Social media users brought out all their creativity to put a dose of humor in the middle of La Roja‘s complex present in the Qualifiers.
Chile does not lift his head and this Tuesday he suffered a new defeat in the South American Qualifiers for the 2026 World Cupthis time from the hand of Colombia. The coffee team had no mercy and defeated the Chilean National Team 4-0taking advantage of all the childish errors of the national defense.
With this result, La Roja failed to score points in the new double date of Qualifiers and remains in the last place in the standings with only five points in 10 games played.
Under this complex scenario, it seems that all that remains is to laugh, and that is what the users of social networks are trying to do, who brought out all their creativity with the help of memes about the complicated moment that Chile is going through in the Qualifiers.
Check out the best memes left by Chile’s defeat against Colombia in the Qualifiers

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