The Bollywood actress went to the office in the morning and scolded everyone in front of the director for calling ‘Raat’

by times news cr

(Web Desk) Bollywood’s well-known actress and comedian Upasana Singh has revealed that the film director offered to invite her to a hotel at night.

In a recent podcast, Upasana Singh said that a director from the South film industry had signed her for a film opposite Anil Kapoor and she was also saying that she used to visit his office with her mother or sister. But one day the director asked him to come to the office alone which he could not understand at first.

He further said that one day at 11:30 pm he got a phone call and said come to the hotel there is a ‘sting’ then come, I replied that I will listen to the story tomorrow, the director said that you Didn’t understand the meaning of ‘sting’.

The actress said that she got very angry after hearing this and did not sleep all night and the next morning she reached his office in Bandra and then entered his office and shouted abuse in Punjabi for 3 to 4 minutes in front of everyone and loudly. Keep running.

Upasana Singh said that after abusing the director, she came out and was walking on the sidewalk of Bandra crying, while she was remembering everything that she had told everyone that she signed the film opposite Anil Kapoor. Chiki is and now she will become a star.

He further said that after that she remained locked in the room for seven days and kept thinking about what to tell everyone.

He said that those days were going to make him stronger after which the director sent him a message saying, “There are other people if you don’t.”

It should be noted that incidents of harassment of actresses by directors and producers are common in the Indian film industry. Last year too, the Hema Committee’s report on the sexual exploitation of actresses in the Indian film industry caused a stir.

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