the calendar of appointments of the Gazzetta- event

by time news
from Carlos Passerini, sent to Trento

Four days of events. Cairo: «An emotion to be back in the presence». Thursday Thuram, the rhythmic butterflies, the memory of Paolo Rossi and the podium of the 100 Paralympic athletes

It will be a sprint start that of the Sports Festival license plate Journal, che da giThursday to Sunday back in attendance after the 2020 streaming edition. An experience that was nevertheless precious, symbolically but not only, so much so that even this year many appointments will still be broadcast live on the site, in order to reach a wider and potentially infinite audience. «Returning to Trento in the presence, even with all the health regulations, is a great emotion as well as a message of hope and a return to normality – said Urbano Cairo, president of RCS, on the day of the presentation in the Buzzati room in Milan of the event organized as always by Gazzetta dello Sport with Trentino Marketing, the Province and Municipality of Trento and with the patronage of Coni -. This year, Italian sport went beyond expectations: the European football championships, the 40 medals in Tokyo and the 69 won by the Paralympic movement. I applauded the spectacular things Italy has done. A nice encouragement for the Festival, which is back in attendance after 7 million views in 2020 in streaming. We will still have streaming to be even more international. The economy has certainly suffered, but there is a desire to make up for lost time, also through digitalization ».

The format does not change, which in the fourth year is now running in: four days of live events, talk shows, debates and camps around the city. Four days of celebration in the name of sport. A hundred appointments, over two hundred guests. Stefano Barigelli, director of the Journal: «In an era in which it is increasingly difficult to approach champions, Trento represents a unique opportunity. The champions talk about themselves with a freedom that comes from contact with the fans. It only happens at the Festival and this year it will be even more special ». The title of this edition is «The winning moment». “We like to imagine that the champions who will arrive in Trento can tell us what goes on in their heads when each of them crosses the finish line or hears the final whistle of the referee” added the deputy director of the Journal and scientific director of the Festival, Gianni Valenti.

We start early: Lilian Thuram at 10.30 at the Teatro Sociale will talk about an extremely topical theme, that of racism. At 11, inauguration of the exhibition on Paolo Rossi. Then it will be the turn of the swimmer Quadarella, the ex cyclists Basso and Contador, Di Francisca for fencing, the Farfalle of rhythmic gymnastics, the trio of wonders Sabatini, Caironi and Contrafatto, protagonists at the Paralympics. At 6 pm the inauguration: present Cairo, Malagò, Vezzali, the lord of the rings Chechi, as well as the legends of athletics Fosbury and Borzov. In the evening at 20.30 Nba basketball with Belinelli and Zandalasini, the bikes with Bagnaia and Miller. At 9 pm it is the turn of the coach of the Devil, Stefano Pioli, who will tell the secrets of the new Milan from the stage of the Teatro Sociale.

The appointments are as always free: entry with the obligation of a green pass, reservations on the site He leaves.

October 6, 2021 (change October 6, 2021 | 23:57)

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