The Sofia City Court (SGC) scheduled for next week the start of the case against the former investigator Petyo Petrov, accused of document fraud on a particularly large scale, the court announced.
Tuesday will be the dispositive hearing on the trial. The investigation against Petrov was completed in absentia, because even when the indictment was submitted to the court, the prosecutor’s office announced that his place of residence in the country was unknown and, after a thorough search, he was not found.
The case was opened on July 28, 2021. According to the indictment, in the period from October 11, 2019 to March 23, 2020, through the use of false documents, Petrov obtained without legal basis, with the intention of misappropriating it, foreign movable property – 147 coins with a total value of BGN 106,763 and one gold bar weighing 1,000 grams, 23.88 carats, worth BGN 109,718, owned by Y.Z., as well as a sum of money in the amount of EUR 550,000, equivalent to BGN BGN 1,085,485.65, property of Y.Z., Y.Z. and P.Z.
The entire property (coins, gold bar and cash) has a total value of BGN 1,301,966.65.
The other criminal proceedings investigating whether Petrov committed a crime are at the investigation stage, the prosecutor’s office said in June.
And at the beginning of the year, the court refused the prosecutor’s office to issue a European arrest warrant for the former investigator.