The Chang’e-5 probe returned to Earth with 2 kilos of lunar rocks-

by time news

Chang’e-5 successfully returned to Earth. The Chinese probe, carrying about 2 kilograms of lunar rocks, landed around 7 pm (Italian time) in an uninhabited area of ​​the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia. Launched on November 23, Chang’e-5 landed on the moon on December 1, digging up to two meters deep to collect samples and planting the Chinese flag on our satellite.

Then it started off again, hooking up with the module that remained in orbit, which on December 13 had undertaken the return journey to Earth. the first time since 1976, the last was the Soviet mission Luna 24, which are brought back to our planet rock samples collected on the lunar surface.

December 16, 2020 (change December 16, 2020 | 9:06 pm)

© Time.News

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