2024-10-16 13:26:00
Among natural persons, the highest value is R$ 11.2 thousand, while among legal persons the highest figure is R$ 30.4 million
To check if there are amounts to be received you need to access the site, enter your CPF and date of birth, and follow the redemption instructions
This Wednesday (16th) is the last day for customers with forgotten money in the system of values receivable from Central Bank of Brazil can redeem their amounts. Otherwise these amounts will end up in the Union’s coffers. According to the Central Bank, there are still more than 8 billion reais unredeemed. Natural persons, even deceased, and companies that have deposited funds with banks, consortia and other financial institutions can benefit from the consultancy. Among individuals, the largest forgotten amount is R$11.2 thousand, while among legal entities, the largest figure is R$30.4 million. The largest withdrawal ever made by an individual was almost R$3 million, in July last year. To consult the only official website is valuesareceber.bcb.gov.br. It is vital that customers are aware of the possibilities shotsas messages received via SMS, email or calls may be fraudulent. The system has experienced instability due to the large number of accesses, but is currently functioning normally.

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To check if there are amounts to be received you need to access the site, enter your CPF and date of birth and follow the redemption instructions. The deadline for returning the money is 12 working days and redemption can be done via PIX. If the amounts are not redeemed within the stipulated period, they will be transferred to the National Treasury. THE Ministry of Finance informs that there is a further deadline of 30 days for objections, and it is possible to request the means in court within six months of the publication of the notice. If there is no response, the amounts will be incorporated into the National Treasury as primary budget revenues. Therefore, interested parties are strongly advised to check the site by the end of the day to avoid missing any forgotten values.
Published by Luisa Cardoso
#deadline #redeem #forgotten #money #expires #Wednesday