BOLZANO. In Bolzano 463 candidates participated in the competition for 127 vacancies currently put up for tender in various sectors of activity of the provincial administration and attributed to the sixth functional qualification. The written test took place in the form of a multiple choice test on a digital platform.
“For us it was important to streamline and update the entire procedure to modern standards. From registration to publication of the result. In this competition nothing is printed on paper”, explains Magdalena Amhof, provincial councilor for Personnel.
“The objective is to reduce the administrative times of the insolvency procedures, but also to involve a greater number of people by encouraging them to participate”.
The digital procedure allows a significant time saving. In fact, the system ensures that candidates are in possession of the documents requested during the registration procedure.
At the same time, a high level of safety is guaranteed. Participants receive a tablet upon check-in, paired with a personal QR code. For each candidate, the competition questions are asked in a different order. The result is calculated automatically and can be viewed online on the day of the exam; the participation confirmation is also generated digitally. The second part of the exam, the oral one, can therefore take place a few days after the written exam.
At the end of the oral exams, the 127 candidates with the best scores will be included in the relevant merit ranking. They will be offered one of 49 places in the provincial administrationof the 58 positions in school administration and gods 20 positions as labor mediators or mediators.
During the allocation of places, particular attention will be paid to the needs of the candidates.