the epithet ‘the ugliest woman in the world’; Mary Ann Bevan’s Story of Survival

by time news
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Do any women like being called the “ugliest woman in the world”? But Mary Ann Bevan is a person who has received such an epithet. You may sometimes see her face on social media posts as the world’s ugliest woman. But let’s see how Bevan got this title. This is the story of the sacrifice that made a mother, Ann, to take on this title that no one else was willing to take on.

Mary Ann Bevan was a nurse from Newham, London. It was at a time when their lives were going on normally that Bevan noticed an unusual change in his body. It was caused by a hormonal disorder called acromegaly. This condition can sometimes make one’s body look strange. At that time this condition was completely unknown. Bevan’s husband’s sudden death was in a situation where life was going on without any illness. Then faced with severe financial burden, she decided to participate in the World Ugliest Woman contest for her family. After winning this competition, a job came their way. They were invited to a circus company. Their job was to regularly attend shows there. Bevan stood there receiving insults and ridicule from others for his strange appearance. Thus Bevan was able to earn enough money to raise his four children.

Now the story has been noticed again on the Instagram page called Grief History, which was posted along with Bevan’s picture. This is what is written in that post. They should not be known as the ugliest woman in the world. Rather, Bevan should be remembered as a wonderful mother who did everything she could to survive. But below this post, some comments criticized their sacrifice. “They completely exploited their bad situation to their own advantage. They should be remembered for that,” commented one. There are many criticisms.

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But in reality Bevan was reclaiming their plight as a new purpose in life. A man who fought his illness and achieved a different status. It may sound strange, but many people do not understand the circumstances that led them to do so. Those who understand their sacrifice cannot mock or criticize them. Moreover, the name Mary Ann Bevan is a great inspiration to many patients who still struggle with acromegaly today.

Published by:Amal Surendran

First published:

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