The father of the cantor and bard passed away at the age of 83

by time news

Today in Bnei Brak they laid to rest the late Rabbi Raphael Daniel Cohen, 83 years old, who was careful to pray in the Natz Hamma and was blessed with blessed righteous generations

Baruch Dayan the truth: This morning, after suffering and suffering, the late Rabbi Raphael Daniel Cohen of Bnei Brak passed away.

The late Rabbi Raphael Daniel HaCohen was born about 83 years ago in the city of Marash in Turkey to his father the late Rabbi Yeshayahu and his mother Martha Sarah A.H., upon his emigration to the Holy Land he married his wife the rabbi Pnina Shethai’ the daughter of the founder of the Or Hayim synagogue in Shikon V. in Bnei Brak, who became known as the propagator of the global conversational fast, Rabbi Shlomo Malka ztzel.

He would draw and join churches and seminaries, so for decades of devotional Bentz prayers, when he always made sure to be among the first to pray, he set times for the beloved Torah and Rahim Rabban, a symbol of humility, modesty and honesty.

For years, he worked for his living and also volunteered in housekeeping jobs at the MDA. The employees working beside him, the staff and the management were always impressed by the cleanliness of his hands and the degree of his honesty and dedication to work.

The deceased was known for the degree of silence, he was used to severe torments and accepted them humbly when he always put a worm in his mouth.

In recent years he has suffered severe torments and accepted them humbly, when always there they put a dog on his mouth. Recently his condition deteriorated greatly and for the past month he was sedated and ventilated at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. Wednesday morning he returned his soul in purity to its creator.

The deceased left behind a blessed generation of righteous people, the holy seed of God’s blessing, the winners and the winners of the many: Rabbi Yeshayahu Cohen, one of the leaders of the abrachs in Kollel Chazon Ish, head of the Or Ha’im synagogue in Shikon VI; Rabbi Shlomo Cohen, rabbi of Sha’are Dea Yeshiva in Modi’in Illit and author of the book Peri Raphael (after the late Z’Z); The cantor and bard Rabbi Elad Cohen, known to the general public from the various programs on “Kol Chai”, and his son-in-law Rabbi Shmuel Yazdi, one of the most prominent abrachs on the network, including ‘Morsha and Det’.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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