The fee for the new plate within the “Your plate at home” service is 155 thousand dinars »

by times news cr

Baghdad – IA – Muhammad Al-Talbi
Today, Sunday, the General Traffic Directorate clarified the mechanism for subscribing to the “Your plate at home” service, while indicating that all types of plates will be available within the next few days, confirming the imminent opening of the third line of the plate printing factory.

Director of Media and Relations of the Directorate, Colonel Haider Al-Waeli, told the (INA): “The General Traffic Directorate, since the directive of the Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, to restore evening work in registration complexes, has achieved smooth flow in all registration complexes in Baghdad and the governorates,” indicating that “several measures have been initiated.” Successive procedures, including printing plates, starting with all private vehicle plates, which have been printed and ready for implementation in Baghdad and the governorates.
He pointed out that “there are no accumulated plates except for those who change their car plates or register their vehicle. The plates are printed on the same day after completing their transaction,” pointing out that “the printing of taxi plates in registration complexes in Baghdad has been initiated as a first stage, and there will be printing of all plates and citizens can Review to receive and install taxi plates.
He added, “The Directorate is continuing to replace plates, as it has worked on a plan, which is to promote an annual ownership transfer or renewal transaction or any transaction on an annual or vehicle in complexes in which vehicle plates are replaced with new plates,” noting that “citizens who wish to replace their plates can register their vehicles for review.” Registration sites and changing plates.
He stated, “The Your Plate at Your Home service has been launched, and it is an electronic service that allows citizens who wish to replace their vehicle plates while inside their home, as there are some citizens who do not have time and have obligations and work hours. There is an optional electronic service for those who want to check in the registration complexes that the registration plates are completed or inside their home.” “, pointing out, “Creating an electronic link, the citizen can enter data and information, after which a notification is sent to the General Traffic Directorate, so that a specialized staff can withdraw and verify a form for fines and thefts. If its status is correct, a text message is sent to the citizen’s phone bearing an electronic link to enable the citizen to pay fees. An electronic vehicle registration plate amounting to 155,000 Iraqi dinars while he was inside his home.
He continued, “Another notice will be sent to the directorate after paying the fees so that the staff can print the plates and contact the citizen to have them installed in his home.”
Regarding the fare, Al-Waeli stated that “many taxi drivers carry fare registration plates, their transactions have been completed and they have received annual ones, and the registration plates are printed in Baghdad and the governorates, where they go to the site in light of the annual year to receive the plates and install them on the vehicles,” explaining that “the factory The creation of the plates, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister, continues with the production of plates without stopping, as there is follow-up and insistence by the Minister of Interior that the production of plates take place inside Iraq, and this is the first time we rely on the product without importing.”
He stated that “the factory operates with two production lines, and the third line will be completed,” pointing out that “in the future, plates of all kinds will be provided and distributed to all governorates and printed in the coming days.”

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