“In our calendar, we tried to satisfy the interests of all age groups. From grandparents to grandchildren, everyone can find their favorite column and reading material, there are women, men, children, nature lovers and supporters of a healthy lifestyle, those who want to find their way in our history and the connections between our present and future, pathfinders and generations. those who want to build on their experiences, the inhabitants of the villages and towns, the people of the farms” – they write in their recommendation the editors of the Szabad Föld Kalendárium.
According to their promise, the more difficult and the easier topics follow each other in such a rhythm that they keep the reader’s attention all the way through the pages of the calendar as they travel across the country and reach distant lands.
Hidden worlds is the title of László T. Németh’s interview with András Rácz, the state secretary responsible for nature conservation at the Ministry of Agriculture. Among the others, we can find out what milestones Hungarian nature conservation will celebrate in 2025: the Kiskunság National Park was established in 1975 and the Aggtelek National Park in 1985, and the Baradla cave system received the title of World Heritage in 1995. The National Park Product trademark, which has been awarded to 1,300 products from almost 350 producers, will be fifteen years old. The state secretary also talks about how state nature conservation follows changes in social needs and customs. For example, they adjust to the fact that in the last one or two decades, the so-called active recreation opportunities are becoming more and more popular, and the number of people who like to go out into nature and organize their free time is increasing. More and more people are attracted to hiking, caving, water and bicycle tours, and our ten national parks, where 1,300 people now work, offer plenty of opportunities for these as well.
Gabriella Szijjártó talked to Attila Lőrincz, director of Győr Diocese Catholic Charity. The strength of their aid organization, within which forty groups operate, lies in the volunteer helpers – says Attila Lőrincz, who started from a village in Nyís and worked as a policeman for a long time, and is now a father of four. In the name of their service, the word “Catholic” does not mean “distinction”, but the Christian way of helping, he emphasizes, and they never ask what denomination the person who comes to them is, or whether he is religious at all.
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