The government committed to transferring broad prerogatives to the regions (Mayara)

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The transfer of these skills must be done in such a way as to ensure independence in the financial and administrative management of the region with a view to making it a true development center, a lever for human development and social promotion and an essential partner of the State, indicated Mr. Mayara who was speaking during a thematic conference on “Advanced regionalization between the challenges of practice and the requirements of the revision of the legal framework”, organized by the Chamber of Advisors in partnership with the council of the Fez-Meknes region.

He underlined, in this context, the importance of providing regional administrations with sufficient and qualified human resources and of making the regional function more attractive, through the establishment of a system of forecast management of staff and skills. to facilitate decision-making related to human resources management, strengthen their managerial capacities and adapt functions to the specificities of the territorial space.

In this regard, Mr. Mayara insisted on the urgent nature of the presentation before the Chamber of Advisors of the bill relating to the status of agents of local authority administrations, with a view to promoting the human resources of these bodies.

He specified that the goal also consists of attracting skills at the territorial level and promoting the continuing training of these agents, insisting on the acceleration of the development of a statute for regional project execution agencies allowing them to attract human resources with extensive experience and expertise.

He also underlined the need to review the legislative and regulatory texts relating to the organization of ministerial sectors, the public service and appointments to positions of responsibility, to strengthen the organization of regional directorates, to achieve a balance between central and decentralized levels, to increase the attractiveness of positions at the decentralized level and to provide the heads of decentralized services with the powers to manage the professional careers of the human resources placed under their authority.

Mr. Mayara also noted that the financing of regionalization mainly depends on the resources allocated by the State, amounting to approximately 93% during the period 2018-2021, while own resources do not have exceeded 7% according to the Court of Auditors.

He noted that this thematic meeting is considered as the first preparatory stage of the work of the 6th parliamentary forum of the regions, adding that this forum, placed under the high patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, constitutes an innovative institutional framework to implement the spirit of the Constitution, which provides in its article 137 for the contribution of regions and other local authorities to the implementation of the general policy of the State and to the development of territorial policies through their representatives in the Chamber of Advisors.

In this context, Mr. Mayara recalled the content of the royal message addressed to participants in the 2nd Parliamentary Forum of the Regions on November 16, 2017, in which the Sovereign indicated that the regular exchanges on the evolution of this structuring project “testify to your perfect adherence to the capital importance that We ourselves attach to this grandiose reform which tends to further democratize the management of public affairs and to converge national, sectoral and territorial policies, towards the objective that We have set ourselves, that of ensuring to our fellow citizens, in a sustainable and equitable manner, the progress, well-being and development that they deserve.

He expressed his wish to see a change in the relevant legal system, in light of the constraints and challenges created by practice which have prevented the necessary efficiency in the exercise of their powers by local authorities. , before reviewing the recommendations of the latest editions of the parliamentary forum of the regions which highlighted the need to establish legal standards and rules for contractualization within a reference framework which precisely defines the forms and conditions of conclusion and execution of contracts and agreements between the State and regions, on the one hand, between the regions among themselves, and between them and other local authorities, on the other hand.

These recommendations, he continued, also insisted on the importance of accelerating the opening of projects to adapt legislative and regulatory texts relating to the prerogatives of ministerial departments with the skills of local authorities, and to review the legal framework regulating local authorities to make it clearer and more harmonious, particularly with regard to the definition of powers and their distribution between the State and local authorities.

For his part, the president of the council of the Fez-Meknes region, Abdelouahed Al Ansari, focused on the most significant challenges and constraints which hinder the proper implementation of advanced regionalization, after nine years of practice, which constitutes, according to him, a sufficient period to carry out real reflection on the major issues facing this experience with a view to finding appropriate solutions, in accordance with the high directives of HM King Mohammed VI.

He added that this meeting aims to enrich the public debate on the site of advanced regionalization and to share visions with other actors who work in academic, administrative, political, economic sectors or in civil society, to enable them to have a global vision of the current situation of regionalization.

In this regard, Mr. Al Ansari insisted on the need to develop new visions and solutions to certain issues relating to the issue of advanced regionalization.

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