The Health Benefits of Coffee with Olive Oil: Explained by Charlotte Karlinder

by time news

2024-01-16 15:05:00

Coffee trendsetters now drink their coffee with olive oil. You can find out here what makes the strange combination so healthy and what Sat.1 health expert Charlotte Karlinder thinks of the trendy drink.

Why coffee with olive oil is healthy

  • Antioxidants: Olive oil contains a variety of antioxidants that can fight free radicals in the body. These harmful molecules can lead to inflammation and disease.
  • Healthy fats: Olive oil is made up of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known as healthy fats. These are said to protect the cardiovascular system and lower cholesterol levels.
  • Caffeine boost: Coffee is known for its caffeine content, which gets us going in the morning. Adding olive oil can further enhance the caffeine boost. The reason: The healthy fats in olive oil can help the caffeine to be released more slowly and last longer.
  • Also interesting: Olive oils in the test – many are contaminated with pollutants or salt in coffee? That’s what lies behind it. Stiftung Warentest has also tested which types of coffee from the discounter are the best. Also: This is what happens when you drink coffee every day.

    In the clip you can see Charlotte Karlinder on the topic on Sat.1 breakfast television:

    The recipe for coffee with olive oil


    ● A cup of freshly brewed coffee

    ● A teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil

    ● Milk or plant-based milk alternative as required


  • Brew a cup of coffee as usual.
  • Add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to the coffee.
  • Stir the olive oil well until it is fully incorporated into the coffee.
  • Some people mix the coffee and olive oil with that Mixerso that the texture is special creamy becomes. Milch Of course, you can also add it as desired, then the coffee will taste special velvety.

    Weight loss tips from the professionals

    More delicious coffee variations with olive oil

    • Latte macchiato with milk, oat milk etc. with olive oil
    • Iced coffee with olive oil
    • Cold brew with olive oil

    Coffee with olive oil, butter coffee & bulletproof coffee: these are the differences

    Coffee with olive oil may remind some of bulletproof coffee, as adding oil to coffee is not a new invention. One ketogenic diet is becoming more popular. A recipe for a ketogenic butter coffee was developed to match this. This is supposed to provide additional energy in the morning. Short digression: A ketogenic diet is characterized by the fact that very few carbohydrates and a lot of fats and more protein are consumed in a mixed food diet.

    The butter coffee or bulletproof coffee is said to be that Attention and concentration increase as well as the Effect von strengthen regular coffee. It replaces breakfast and is intended to fill you up until lunch. To do this, coffee is mixed with butter or almond butter and MCT oil (oil with medium-chain fatty acids), usually coconut oil, until a creamy liquid is created.

    Coffee with olive oil also contains additional fat, which Energy boost can extend. However, the effect is not as strong as that of butter coffee. However, if you add butter or almond butter to homemade coffee with olive oil, the effect can be further enhanced.

    And have you ever heard of protein coffee? Losing weight with Proffee: What the mixture of protein and coffee is all about.

    Also interesting: Charlotte Karlinder’s miracle weapon against hay fever or losing weight with water

    This is what health expert Charlotte Karlinder says about coffee with olive oil

    Sat1. health expert Charlotte Karlinder discovered the trend in Milan. She particularly liked the velvety and nutty taste. Her Tipp: warm up the olive oil together with milk (cow or oat milk). In addition to the good taste, the health benefits are also a plus. The trendy drink has the advantage particularly for people with high blood pressure Effects of caffeine slowed down will and therefore not so burdensome for the Body is.

    Olive oil also has more positive characteristics. It can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cholesterol levels and protect against cell damage.

    This text was created using the AI ​​ChatGPT.

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    #Coffee #olive #oil #healthy

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