The “horrors” building in Toledo that “kills” the neighbors with its foul smells

by time news

2023-11-09 13:20:24

In the city of Toledo There is a building, the María Cristina, in which there is a Burguer King, a well-known hotel and homes. In its basement, a septic tank, from which fetid and unhealthy odors and gases emanate, makes life very difficult for around thirty families.

One of those affected, Margarita Girona (in the photos), updates us on a situation that we tell under the title Living with toxic odors and gases emanating from under your house. It is a case of environmental pollution that we carry in the Almodóvar & Jara buffet and soon, we will undertake new legal actions:

«Time passes, days, weeks, months and even years pass by. Time passes and the painful situation of the families that reside in the María Cristina de Toledo building remains exactly the same.

It became public knowledge, around the beginning of July 2022, that the residents of the homes and premises of this building They lived in their homes and premises with a regrettable, painful and horrible situation.: endure it environmental pollution which occurred as a result of the imposition of fetid and pestilent odors and gases from a septic tank located in the basement of their building.

Time passes and some who know the subject ask us: what, has your problem been solved? The answer is blunt: NO, EVERYTHING REMAINS THE SAME.

María Cristina de Toledo Building.

Well, not everything remains exactly the same because we neighbors have been able to demonstrate that not only disgusting, fetid and pestilential stenches filter into our homes, but also gases very harmful to health.

And these immissions sometimes occur two or three times in the same day, which can occur in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, at night and even at dawn, disturbing your sleep and your night’s rest.

There are also news in terms of health. In my personal situation, as a chronically ill person diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) to a mild/moderate degree, this problem of constant and sustained environmental pollution over time, has caused a worsening and general worsening in my health.

And this has motivated a new clinical review whose conclusion has been that the disease has gone to a serious stage on a scale of IV/IV involvement after several severe crises of intoxication from breathing that environment contaminated by odors and gases.

The deterioration in my health has been brutal, causing a long period of physical suffering and loss of autonomy that has led to severe disability and dependency. I have been forced to do different detoxification treatments which, of course, I have had to pay for out of my pocket.

Margarita is “subscribed” to the mask, even inside her house where she has to use it to try to withstand the contamination.

Luckily, they have been taking effect reducing symptoms and improving my state of health and worrying situation a little.

It is inconceivable and incomprehensible that environmental contamination such as that suffered by the residents and workers of this building lasts both over time and nothing and no one moves a finger to remedy it.

For all these reasons, we have filed a special process of protection of fundamental rights against the Toledo City Council that is currently being processed, although we have been waiting for two years…

And shortly, we are going to complain for a crime of injuries and against the environment.

#horrors #building #Toledo #kills #neighbors #foul #smells

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