The key herb to add to memory care infusions

by time news

2024-10-08 16:00:00

If we talk about a herb with an intense aroma and a refreshing flavour, few in Spain make the mistake, it’s like this mint. Known as the main ingredient of products ranging from cosmetics to gastronomy, this green leaf has stood out for years and years for its medicinal properties.

That’s why its use has expanded to the point of being the perfect companion for many infusions. Among the many benefits it brings to the body, one of the most important is its effects on brain health, since it is fundamental for the treatment and improvement of memory.

Properties of mint

The key herb to add to memory care infusions

Mint.Getty Images

Mint stands out for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the fact that it contains its main active compound: menthol. This is responsible for the relief of various ailments, ranging from digestive problems to respiratory tract symptoms such as nasal congestion.

In fact, it is advisable to ingest this menthol when there is stomach painyou want to ease digestion or reduce belly bloating. As for the breathing problemsit is recommended to clean the nose, throat, bronchi and lungs in case of common cold or chronic cough. It is therefore not surprising to find menthol as an ingredient in many medicines, as well as in infusions.

The woman drinks a thyme infusion.

Effects that mint causes on the brain

One of the most positive impacts mint has is on brain health. Various investigations have been able to verify this The smell of mint sends an alarm signal to the brainhence it acts as a mental stimulant. This process helps improve concentration, increases alertness and, therefore, improves information retention capacity.

In fact, a study conducted on mice with Alzheimer’s-like neurodegenerative problems produced cognitive improvement after inhaling menthol, as reported in the study. Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) in the work published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology. That’s why more and more experts They recommend taking mint for optimal mental performance. And the best way to incorporate it into your daily diet The natural way is through infusions.

Find out how this plant native to the Amazon rainforest can improve your physical and mental performance and help you lose weight.

Which infusions combine best with mint

Mint infusion.

Mint infusion.Maarten Steffens

One of the benefits of mint is this you can infuse it in hot water and in a few minutes you have a herbal tea with all the properties of menthol. To make it you can use both fresh and dried leaves and can be prepared cold. However, it is also possible to combine this herb with others.

Although the combination can be done in various ways, one of the most recommended mixtures is mint and chamomile. With this fusion the calming effects of the infusion are enhanced. Also, if you prefer it to be with green teayou will have a refreshing drink rich in antioxidants. On the other hand, to increase its effects on the digestive system, it is recommended to mix it mint and ginger.

Chamomile infusion with honey and lemon.


Wei, H., Kong, S., Jayaraman, V., Selvaraj, D., Soundararajan, P., & Manivannan, A. (2023). Mentha arvensis and Mentha × piperita: vital herbs with myriads of pharmaceutical benefits. Horticulturae, 9(2), 224.

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