For the reform of the Judiciaryocho ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) will present their resignation from office and with it his decline to compete in the extraordinary elections in 2025.
The first to do so was the minister Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Menawho through a letter confirmed his decision to resign from the Court in light of the reform of the Judiciary.
It is expected that 7 other ministers will also make public their resignation in the coming hours, among whom are:
Therefore, the only ministers who would remain in office and who would participate in the next election of the Judicial Branch are:
Below, we share the resignation letters and reasons exposed by the ministers to end their time in the SCJN.
Resignations of ministers to the SCJN: Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena presents his letter
In one carta spread on social networks during the morning of this Tuesday, October 29, the minister Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena presented his resignation from the SCJN due to the reform of the Judicial Branch.
“I have decided to submit my resignation. I do it within the deadline established in the seventh transitional period of the reform, not because I have discovered in me a sudden vocation for punctuality,” Minister Ortiz Mena reported in the letter when explaining the reasons for his decision.
The minister criticized that the reform forced him to choose between two options: a popular election process or present your resignation; and not considering himself “a suitable candidate for a position that depends on popular support,” he opted for the second option.
Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena made it clear that his resignation from the country’s highest court does not imply a tacit acceptance of the constitutionality of the judicial reformbut as long as it is not revoked, he assured that he will abide by the current rules.
The minister pointed out that His resignation will take effect on August 31, 2025.
“Until that day, I will continue to carry out my responsibilities with the same integrity that I have attempted to maintain since my first day in this position,” he added.
Senate could not accept resignations of the 8 ministers to the SCJN
Gerardo Fernández Noroña, president of the Senate Board of Directors, declared that the upper house may not accept resignations of the 8 ministers of the SCJN so that do not collect your retirement pension.
At a press conference, the president of the Senate opened the possibility of rejecting the resignations of the 8 ministers who intend to resign to prevent them from “leaving with full saddlebags”, in reference to his millionaire retirement assets.
Fernández Noroña assured that the resignations of SCJN ministers In reality it is to not compete in the extraordinary electoral process of next June 1, 2025, but not to his position in SCJN.
And according to what is stipulated in the Organic Law of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, before the reform of the Judicial Branch, when resigning from their position or at the end of their term until August 2025, the ministers of the SCJN could keep their millionaire pension, which contrasts significantly with what they would obtain if they participate in the election and are not elected.