The liberation of Palestine is the nation’s cause and the compass of the struggle

by time news

The suffering continues, and with it the exhaustion and exhaustion. This happens to many, and it is normal. As for those who have vowed themselves to worship and obey God, they see that patience in this is a form of worship. Isn’t worship absolute submission to God, the Powerful and Mighty? God Almighty said: “We created man in a liver.” There is no doubt that psychological fatigue has a greater impact than physical fatigue resulting from hard work, movement, and exerting muscular effort. Here, faith in God becomes a reason to alleviate that fatigue and strengthen the person’s resolve to bear it and be patient with it. Our nation is going through severe suffering these days due to its enemies attacking it and targeting its land, its men, and its freedom. This would make the majority of its children tired, distressed, and angry as well. We are not the only nation that is exposed to security and political setbacks that lead to this situation: “If you are suffering, then they are suffering as you are suffering, and you hope from God what they do not hope for.” They are the instinctive feelings that a person experiences in times of distress. This may happen on an individual level, or it may happen as a whole.

What is happening in Palestine and Lebanon does not concern a single person or group alone, but rather represents a general concern that affects a wide sector of people. It is not specific to Arabs or Muslims, but rather represents a struggle between freedom and slavery. Therefore, the free people of the world felt sympathy for the victims of aggression and perhaps belonging to it. How many people left their countries and went to Palestine to defend its people. Isn’t that what the young American woman Rachel Corrie did, who was crushed and killed by an Israeli bulldozer? After more than three-quarters of a century, the issue still appeals to people of conscience and human feelings. The state of polarization towards it is still clear. The deprived peoples always side with the Palestinian side, while the oppressors, exploiters, and greedy people side with the Israeli side, which represents the interests of capitalism that is greedy for the people’s wealth. It is a struggle between the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of this planet who are subjected to persecution, injustice and exploitation, and the minority who have been stripped of their humanity in order to gain more substance at the expense of morals and values. It is an ancient conflict that is renewed in multiple forms, and pushes a person towards difficult choices that may challenge his existence and humanity.

The issue is going through a difficult situation these days after the occupiers and their supporters have repeated the effort to intensify the aggression and seek to resolve the issue in favor of the occupation. But they soon faced the same obstacles that stood in their way at the beginning of the division and occupation. At that time, there was a belief that the Western powers would not involve themselves in a bitter conflict since they had lived through the horrors of World War II. But Satan soon made her forget all that and pushed her into a position that contributed to renewing the atmosphere of widespread international conflict. What is the interest of Westerners in this? With the likelihood of a new war occurring, Western leaders saw the danger of its expansion and its impact on the flow of oil to the West. Experience has taught them that rising prices represent an economic and political crisis for the governments of Europe and America. Therefore, they refrained from attacking Iranian facilities because targeting them would push Iran to take measures that would stop the arrival of oil to the West. Thus, the West became in an unenviable position. His commitment to ensuring the security of the occupying entity puts him in confrontation with the victims of that occupation and their supporters. His lack of commitment gives the impression of abandoning the strategic project that he adopted when he contributed to the establishment of the entity and handed over the land of Palestine to it. The West will continue to pay the bill for its commitment to ensuring the security of the occupation. As for the people of Palestine, they have nothing to lose after the occupation of their land, and therefore they continue their struggle to liberate it from the occupiers.

Thus, after three quarters of a century, the Zionist project still challenges its founders and supporters, confronts them with difficult choices, and threatens the interests of their people in addition to the threat it represents to the security and stability of the world. “Israel” has become a burden on the West in particular. Some Western leaders view the occupation leaders, especially Benjamin Netanyahu, with a mixture of contempt and anger. Westerners have become subject to great Israeli blackmail and find it very difficult to protect their interests in a world that is moving towards greater political and ideological polarization. The curse of Palestine still haunts the Westerners who supported the occupation and sacrificed Palestine and the interests of its people to impose an occupation in which the interests of the West are not a central concern. Who is responsible for what the situation has become? Where are Western relations with the Zionist project heading? This question and others continue to impose themselves on global political agendas and have often led to an internal feeling of contradiction among Western leaders. It is not expected that there will be a fundamental change in American policy after the current elections, as the elected president (whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump) will find himself besieged by the inherited American policy that supports the occupation no matter how many crimes it commits, so as not to fall into direct confrontation with Zionist pressure groups in Washington and New York. .

This is how the US elections and their results appear, on the one hand, and the continuation of regional tension that aims to keep the region busy with itself, and provides the entity with opportunities for hegemony, aggression, and expansion, a mixture that cannot be easily comprehended or predicted what will result from it at the level of regional policies. The American elections will bring a president affiliated with the deep state that adopts “Israel” as a strategic project, defends it with all its might, and stands by it if it commits the most horrific massacres. Whether Donald Trump or Camilla Harris wins, American support for the occupying entity will continue, and will not stop for a moment. The world will not be safer after the elections than it was before. The conditions of our region will not be more stable, nor will it be more free and democratic. As for the people of Palestine, they will remain victims of the American-backed Israeli aggression. This ongoing aggression caused famine in Gaza and forced more than a million people to flee, thus expanding the camps and continuing the plight of Palestine and its people. Successive American administrations were not remotely concerned with their conditions due to the Israeli occupation. Rather, protecting “Israel” has always been a priority for the White House. It has never been heard that America asked the occupation forces to stop their crimes in the occupied territories or the annexation of lands in the West Bank and Gaza. Nor did it ever ask it to stop the assassination crimes that crossed the border and targeted Palestinian leaders inside and outside the occupied territories.

Worse than that is the prevailing state of silence and indifference among Arab governments that remained silent regarding Israeli crimes. They did not hold an emergency summit, for example, did not call the Security Council to meet to discuss Israeli crimes, and did not take diplomatic positions that pressured the countries that support the occupying entity, especially the United States of America. At a time when the occupation forces claimed the lives of symbols of struggle in Palestine and Lebanon, the governments of Arab countries continued to deal with America as if nothing had happened. This silence means unjustified submission, abandonment of responsibility, and failure to fulfill the humanitarian duty towards the victims of the occupation. The countries that normalized their relations with the occupying entity also continued their dealings with it, and did not take measures to end normalization, as if what was happening in the occupied territories did not matter to them, near or far. It is a dark era in the nation’s history, characterized by the absence of humanity in political action, the enemy’s control over the aspects of politics and public life, the imposition of a comprehensive siege on its resistors, and the escalation of attacks on the safe by aerial bombardment, killing, and assassination without limits. Despite this, there is a glimmer of hope in the inevitability of a comprehensive awakening that will restore the stolen rights, confront the brutal aggressor, and restore the nation’s dignity and the people of Palestine their rights and security. This is not a dream that is impossible to achieve, but rather it is part of the divine promises to the oppressed who are patient with what befalls them and who have never been weak or sad. These people deserve divine victory to shatter the myths of the occupation and restore to the freedom fighters some hope in the inevitability of victory, God willing.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, make them sincere with You, and release our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds.

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement
October 25, 2024

2024-10-25 12:16:00

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