The man who swept away a child on a scooter had 11 fines (Overview)

by times news cr

Momchil was supposed to go to school on Sunday, but his mother left him to get him an ID card

The <a href="” title=”They raise fines twice, take the license for high speed (Graphic)
– 2024-04-06 09:03:09″>motorcyclist who swept over two children in the village of Bulgarian Spring and killed one had 11 fines for various violations. The accident happened on Sunday evening, and the students – 16 years old and 14 years old – were on scooters. They had no books for them, and the younger one died.

The 49-year-old man’s fines are different. Among them there are for improper parking, failure to pass a technical inspection, speeding and others. In addition to receipts, there are also acts. The difference is that with them, in addition to a monetary penalty, checkpoints are also taken away. He had a valid driver’s license at the time of the accident.

There are no eyewitnesses to the accident. However, a user in the “Catastrophes in Bulgaria” Facebook group claims that the man was driving dangerously. “He almost got stuck in our car. He was driving really dangerously. A few kilometers down we came across the eerie sight. The ride had already ended in death,” wrote the eyewitness. And people who went to the scene after the accident said that the bike’s odometer had stopped at 180 km/h. Expertise will establish at what speed the 49-year-old man was traveling. He drove on the road Sofia – Varna, which passes through the village. The children are believed to have jumped from a nearby street. They are from the neighboring village of Galata. The pavement was wet. The younger child – Momchil, died on the spot, his friend and the man are in hospital without danger to life.

“Unfortunately, a ridiculous situation, the facts and circumstances have yet to be clarified, possibly video recording, there are no witnesses at the time of the incident,” explained the head of RU-Teteven, chief inspector Iliya Neshev. Residents of the village said that Momchil studied for the first year in Etropole. He was supposed to leave on Sunday for school, but his mother left him to get his ID card and bank account.

A pre-trial proceeding has been initiated in the case and the work to clarify the causes of the serious accident continues under the leadership of the District Prosecutor’s Office – Lovech.

Despite the tragedy, the parents of the deceased child will be fined, it was understood from the words of Maria Boteva from the Traffic Police. She commented that the penalty for a person who gives a vehicle to someone who does not have a license is from BGN 100 to BGN 300. “A fine cannot bring back a human life,” pointed out Boteva, without mentioning the case in the village of Bulgarian Izvor. She made an appeal to parents not to give cars and motorcycles to their children if they have not passed the relevant category.

Two more motorcyclists died in accidents on Sunday. First, around 2 p.m. near the town of Dunavtsi, a 35-year-old man crashed himself. He had multiple acts. A little later, on the road Gorna Kremena – Kalen, a motorcyclist tried to overtake on a bend. He did not see the oncoming car, hit it and flew over the guardrail. He was taken to hospital, where he died.

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