The minister in charge of education welcomes the project

by time news

2023-09-26 18:43:17

Meeting in plenary session this Tuesday, September 26, 2023, the deputies of the transitional legislative assembly (ALT) examined three bills.

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The first bill concerned the authorization of ratification of loan agreement No. 5900150003501, signed on February 27, 2023 in Ouaga between Burkina Faso and the ADB for the financing of the water services improvement project Drinking and Sanitation for Strengthening Resilience (PASEPA-2R).

For this law, the Minister in charge of the environment, water and sanitation, Roger Baro indicated that this project comes at the right time because it meets the ambitions of the government. He further notes that it will be implemented in 6 regions, namely the North Center, the South Center, the West Center, the North and the Sahel.

« This will allow us to have sanitation infrastructure, that is to say latrines, latrine blocks as well; this will allow us to set up water infrastructure, drinking water supply systems, high-volume drilling; This will also allow us to strengthen the capacities of the actors. We will train young people in the upkeep and maintenance of sanitation works and equip them with this infrastructure. », specifies Roger Baro.

As for the second bill authorizing the ratification of loan agreement No. 2022-063 signed on November 25, 2022 in Lomé between Burkina Faso and the ADB for the financing of the university construction and equipment project virtual from Burkina Faso, the minister in charge of education, André Joseph Ouédraogo looked into the issue.

From the outset, he welcomed the idea of ​​the virtual university, while recalling the advantages that result from the virtual university system. Furthermore, he notes that arrangements are being made to respond to certain difficulties that students face, in this case regarding the cost of the connection.

« Everyone is unanimous in recognizing that this project is indeed very relevant, which is why the national assembly was kind enough to support higher education in the establishment of these open digital spaces to facilitate access and quality of higher education education », he expressed himself.

The last item on the agenda concerned the bill amending and supplementing Law No. 23-2009/AN of May 14, 2009 regulating the decentralized financial system (SFD). Listening to the Minister Delegate to the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Foresight, Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, “ this adoption therefore allows the government to be able to effectively take charge of the issues of Islamic finance, which is for us in Burkina Faso a new modality which will be a plus in terms of the development of decentralized financial systems, and above all allow a large financial inclusion among our population ».

Sié Frédéric KAMBOU

Burkina 24



#minister #charge #education #welcomes #project

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