The Minister of Oil directs the achievement of excessive circulation within the motion of merchandise and the event of distribution shops

by times news cr

Baghdad – IA
At present, Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister for Vitality Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayyan Abdul Ghani, directed the Petroleum Merchandise Distribution Firm in Dora to emphasize the significance of attaining excessive streamlined motion of petroleum merchandise, along with modernizing and creating distribution shops.

An announcement from the Ministry of Oil, obtained by the (INA), said that, “The Prime Minister for Vitality Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayyan Abdul-Ghani, visited the Petroleum Merchandise Distribution Firm in Dora, the place he chaired a gathering of officers within the firm within the presence of the Undersecretary for Distribution Affairs, Ali Maaraj, and the Director Basic.” Hussein Taleb Firm, throughout which the corporate’s actions and plans have been reviewed.”
The assertion added, “The Minister of Oil opened a charitable market, the proceeds of that are allotted to these affected by cancerous illnesses. The Minister additionally toured the corporate’s amenities and departments and met its workers.”
The Minister of Oil stated: “The Ministry was on the forefront of the ministries that carried out the applying of the digital fee program in all elements of the Petroleum Merchandise Distribution Firm, and it achieved distinction on this area regardless of the numerous challenges and the recentness of its expertise in Iraq,” stressing that “his Ministry is continuous to implement the parts of the federal government program to serve “For the general public good.”
The Minister of Oil identified “the significance of attaining excessive circulation within the motion of petroleum merchandise, along with modernizing and creating distribution shops.”

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