The mistake you should never make when a baby is choking

by time news

2024-03-17 20:31:11

Would you know what to do if your child had difficulty breathing because they were choking? A video details the correct procedure and, more importantly, exactly what to avoid at all costs.

You should never put your fingers in a child’s mouth if he or she is choking. The reason is that doing so could push the lodged object further down his throat, making the situation worse.

In a video shared on TikTok, the @familyfirstaid account details a step-by-step guide. And the first thing you should do is put the baby face down, head down. He then proceeds to administer blows to the back, using the palm of the hand and pointing downward.

Pause after each blow and turn the child to see if the object has dislodged. If not, do it again. After a maximum of five blows to the back, you should perform chest thrusts by placing two fingers approximately between the nipples and pushing down forcefully.

Perform a maximum of five chest compressions and then alternate between five on the back and five on the chest. If the child loses consciousness, it is necessary to start resuscitation. Coughing is a good sign; It means the child is trying to dislodge the object and is still breathing.

Call 112 if the blockage does not clear after trying back blows and chest or abdominal thrusts. Continue trying this cycle until help arrives. Even if the object has come out, seek medical help. Part of the object may have been left behind or the procedure may have harmed your child.

#mistake #baby #choking

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