[신년 여론조사]
Half of those aged 18 to 29 and those in their 40s choose the economy.
The most urgent economic task is ‘price stability’
42.6% of respondents selected ‘economy’ as the biggest challenge that the next president must solve. This was followed by ‘state stability’ (27.1%), ‘conflict adjustment and integration’ (11.1%), and ‘diplomacy and security’ (6.8%).
According to the results of the Dong-A Ilbo New Year’s poll released on the 1st, respondents across all age groups, from their 20s to their 60s, answered that ‘the economy’ was their top priority. This is interpreted as a result that reflects growing concerns about the economic crisis due to political chaos caused by martial law and impeachment.
In particular, more than half of those aged 18 to 29 (50.5%) and those in their 40s (50.5%) identified the economy as their top priority. Only those in their 70s or older chose ‘national stability’ (37.3%) as their number one task, followed by ‘economy’ (30.1%). By occupation, most respondents said the economy was the next president’s biggest challenge, in that order: self-employed (50.2%), ‘blue-collar’ workers (45.4%), and students (44.8%).
When asked about the most urgent task for the Korean economy in the new year (multiple answers possible), answers included ‘price stability’ (59.6%), ‘recovery of economic growth’ (53.6%), and ‘exchange rate stability’ (51.8%). Those in their 40s (60.4%), 50s (61.8%), and 60s (61.3%) all responded that ‘price stability’ is the most urgent. Among those aged 18 to 29 (61.4%) and those in their 40s (63.2%), more than 60% of respondents said that ‘exchange rate stability’ was the most urgent.
Among respondents, supporters of the Democratic Party of Korea most often cited ‘price stability’ (65.1%) as the most urgent task. This was followed by ‘exchange rate stability’ (57.3%) and ‘recovery of economic growth’ (52.3%). People Power Party supporters responded in the order of ‘recovery of economic growth’ (54.4%), ‘price stability’ (53.8%), and ‘exchange rate stability’ (39.3%).
Reporter Cho Eung-hyung [email protected]
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