The Physical and Emotional Toll of an Exercise Addiction: My Journey with Running

by time news

Title: Recovering from Exercise Addiction: A Memoir

A recent article published on Medium has captured the personal journey of Carly Newberg, a yoga instructor and writer, as she reflects upon her struggle with exercise addiction. Newberg recounts her struggles with knee pain and reflects upon how her addiction to running contributed to her suffering.

At just 26 years old, Newberg describes feeling as if she is living inside the body of someone much older. Years of abuse through relentless running have taken a toll on her joints, leaving her in excruciating pain.

For Newberg, running was more than just a form of exercise – it was a way to escape her pain and cope with her mental health issues. However, she acknowledges that her unhealthy relationship with exercise led her to prioritize burning calories over spending time with loved ones and to foster a negative self-image if she didn’t complete a workout.

“My hips and knees are weak and tired from years of running on bone and rejecting my intuition,” Newberg writes. “My feminine energy has chimed in to say, ‘Enough! We need balance and this is not the way.'”

The article goes on to describe how Newberg has come to accept that she can never be the runner she once was. She has transitioned to other forms of movement, like yoga, Pilates, walking, and swimming, to maintain her physical fitness. However, even these alternative forms of exercise have become increasingly challenging due to the pain in her knees.

Newberg’s story serves as an important reminder of the dangers of exercise addiction and the lasting impact it can have on one’s physical and mental health. Her honesty and vulnerability offer a powerful testament to the importance of forming a healthy relationship with exercise and prioritizing self-care.

As Newberg continues to navigate her journey to recovery, she hopes that her story will inspire others who may be grappling with similar challenges.2024

To stay updated with Carly Newberg’s journey, follow her on Medium where she is a regular contributor. The article is reprinted here with permission from the author.

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