The Prosecutor’s Office releases the first chats of the Purge case – 2024-03-22 16:44:27

by times news cr

2024-03-22 16:44:27


In a significant step for the investigation of the Purge case, the State Attorney General’s Office has made public the first documents that shed light on the complex plots surrounding this case of alleged organized crime. Among those involved are prominent figures such as former assemblyman Pablo Muentes and seven judges from the province of Guayas.

The released documents reveal conversations between Mayra Salazar, a well-known Guayaquil communicator, and several people, including some of the judges involved in the case.

The released documents reveal conversations between Mayra Salazar, a well-known Guayaquil communicator, and several people, including some of the judges involved in the case. These communications, dated December 2023, address various topics, from the request for impeachment against the State Attorney General, Diana Salazar, to matters discussed in the National Assembly.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office investigations, Mayra Salazar played a crucial role in the Purga case, particularly in the field of communication and public relations. It is stated that she coordinated the campaigns for the presidency of the Provincial Court, supporting figures such as Fabiola Gallardo and the current president, Hugo González. In addition, Salazar would have managed accounts on social networks to spread messages from those who hired her, including the criminal group known as Los Lobos.

The disclosure of these chats marks a milestone in the investigation of the Purge case, offering a clearer vision of the connections and activities of those involved.

The documents released by the State Attorney General’s Office are available for consultation at the following link:

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