The rulers sold Palestine, and the steadfastness of the peoples is a positive contribution to its liberation

by time news

How can the Arabs and the people of Lebanon be happy in an endless ordeal? Why is this submissiveness that prevents one from performing one’s duty? What is the value of any human being’s life if his neighbor is groaning from the impact of misfortune and calamity? Aren’t these people worthy of life like others? How can a sworn enemy be allowed to kill them without mercy, while voices of denunciation do not rise, and these rulers do not move to lift their grievances and harm? Where is the Islamic solidarity? Where is Arab solidarity? Where is the flesh, blood and humanity? Yesterday, a devastating hurricane struck areas in America, reaching speeds of more than 120 miles per hour. There was massive human and material destruction. But many quickly rushed to support the victims by all means. Why did something like this not happen to save the people of Lebanon from what they are in? Until this moment, no call has been issued to hold an emergency meeting, whether for the Arab League or the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The people of Iraq were the first to provide aid through convoys that covered distances to reach the borders of Lebanon. That is chivalry, honor, and chivalry, and that is belonging to humanity. The hope is that other Arab peoples will rise up to support the oppressed people of Palestine. There is no excuse to justify failure to support the oppressed when he calls for help. This call for help is embodied when scenes of human remains scattered under the rubble of the towers destroyed by the occupation forces appear on television screens, on the heads of those inside them. Hardly a day goes by without the martyrdom of dozens of people from Palestine and Lebanon, which gave their most precious human possessions.

The painful thing is that the governments of the Arab world and most of its people live outside of what is happening, as if it does not concern them at all. It is as if dismembered bodies do not arouse feelings of sadness and hurt in the souls of those who see them. Where has humanity gone? How did feelings calcify to this level? What is clear is the escalation of authoritarian repression against peoples who show sympathy with Palestine and its people. As soon as a march takes place, a meeting is held, or a statement is issued on this issue, the participants are subjected to repression, abuse, and arrest. These rulers provide another column to defend the brutal occupier, until they have become a knife in the side of the oppressed Palestinian people. However, there are scenes of gallantry and heroism from some sectors of the Arab peoples that raise the eyebrows. The people of Yemen regularly express their support through their million marches in Sanaa, and their armed forces are trying to provide symbolic support by targeting the occupation within the capabilities available to them. The Bahrainis do not hesitate to participate in almost daily marches in support of the people of Gaza, denouncing the occupation, and demanding the severing of the Caliph rule’s relations with the Israeli enemy. There are heroic stances from some Arab activists and elites in the Maghreb as well. These positions may not deter the enemy from committing his daily crimes, but they provide some excuse for this nation, which has been attacked by its enemies and whose rulers have participated in suppressing and marginalizing it in the great conflicts that challenge its people, destroy its heroes, and aim to completely paralyze it and deprive it of the honor of participating in the liberation project.

The problem is not a lack of support or reluctance to participate seriously in solidarity with the oppressed in Gaza, but it is represented by the continuous dilution of principles, values ​​and morals, and systematic policies to weaken the popular role in the liberation battles and break Arab pride in the face of Zionist arrogance and American arrogance. This nation has not yet died, despite the campaigns aimed at killing its spirit and keeping it away from the battlefields of conflict. It is a nation that refuses marginalization and dilution and insists on always being at the forefront. Were it not for this insistence, the enemies would not have targeted its symbols with assassination, execution, and imprisonment. Is there an Arab country whose loyal scholars, thinkers, and activists do not face patterns of repression and persecution? The enemy knows the role of these absent elites in the conflict, and therefore he does not content himself with authoritarian abuse, but rather begins assassination crimes without stopping. The occupation does not hesitate to crush international values ​​and laws when it does so. His destructive missiles, which he uses on an almost daily basis to target leadership and field figures, not only kill the targeted elements, but also kill entire families without conscience or human feeling. The forces supporting the occupation, especially America, practice a policy of indifference. The daily bombing of Gaza and Lebanon does not move the feelings of the leaders of this world, and it is rare for the occupation regime and its symbols to be blamed. Even when they were targeted by prominent international bodies such as the International Criminal Court, the Americans and Europeans took action to prevent the arrest of the enemy’s prime minister accused of practicing “ “genocide” against the Palestinians.

All of this is understandable in a world that has abandoned human values ​​and universal principles aimed at preserving human life and dignity. It is possible to understand the motives of some parties that turn a blind eye to Islamic crimes, but what can be understood is that the victims of these policies do not receive any attention or recognition of their humanity and their right to a safe life or a dignified death. There are many mass graves that have been dug to contain the remains of victims of missile bombings, and there are many bodies that have been vaporized by missile bombings, leaving no trace of them behind. It is one of the darkest periods of history on all levels: political, military and field. What makes the matter even more strange is the surrender of the Arab masses to authoritarian policies of hypnosis, drugging, or abuse in their countries. So what happened to morale, perceptions and sense of responsibility? Where are the demonstrations roaming the streets of Arab capitals? And where are the international human rights delegations that open the borders to them so that they can enter the world of Arab reality, which is groaning under the weight of occupation, tyranny, and uprooting at the same time?

Based on the necessity of preserving the humanitarian dimensions in dealing with regional and international crises, civil society organizations should return to stirring feelings and emotions and taking to the Arab street to mobilize resolve, stir feelings, and direct emotions towards Gaza, the remains of its children, its destroyed ruins, and its targeted people. The situation is no longer limited to oppression for political purposes only, but there has been a Zionist decision, supported by America, to return to what was called the “transfer” policy, that is, removing the owners of the land from their areas in order to evacuate them so that the Israeli occupation forces can reposition them in the heart of the Palestinian land to confiscate Palestinian rule by establishing its state on His land. Many Arab parties are participating in this ethnic cleansing process, through silence on the one hand and urging the Palestinians to be “realistic” and accept to leave the land of Palestine for the last time and live in non-Palestinian areas. There is official Arab collusion with the occupation forces to remove the people of Palestine from their land, so that the land remains completely in the hands of the occupiers. It is one of the eras of time steeped in blackness and darkness, and Arab silence contributed to supporting it and contributing to imposing it on reality. It is no longer acceptable to simply show apparent support for Palestine and its people while concealing affiliation to the Zionist project that aims to eliminate Palestine, its people, and its identity. It is also no longer acceptable for Arab governments to continue colluding with the enemy, whether directly or by calling on the remaining Palestinians to leave their land and head again to the camps, all in order to facilitate the occupation’s path and pave the way for its tanks and armored vehicles so that they can extend their influence over all parts of Palestine without fear of being attacked. There were angry reactions from Earthlings and their supporters. Wide public awareness is required to thwart the project of resettlement, Judaization, and permanent occupation.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, make them sincere with You, and release our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds.

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement

October 11, 2024

2024-10-11 22:44:00

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