The Russians took a shot at their own lack of artistry late. He recklessly destroys his key weapons – 2024-03-05 19:43:20

by times news cr

2024-03-05 19:43:20

A security camera captured the traffic accident of the Pancir-S1 anti-aircraft system in the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi. The Russians later deleted the footage from social networks, but Anton Gerashchenko, a former adviser to the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior, managed to download it to his account on the X social network.


The Russians took a shot at their own lack of artistry late. He recklessly destroys his key weapons. | Video: Aktuálně.cz/X/Anton Gerashchenko

The footage shows the moment the anti-aircraft system driver lost control as he drove out from under the flyover and tried to make a sharp right turn. The tank rolled onto its side and narrowly missed a passing car.

Pancir is a Russian self-propelled anti-aircraft system consisting of a surface-to-air missile launcher, a radar vehicle and a command post. According to an analyst contacted by the Kyiv Post server, however, it is difficult to determine the extent of the damage from the video.

It is designed to protect military, industrial and administrative facilities from aircraft, helicopters, precision munitions, guided missiles and drones. It also protects air defense units from enemy attacks, especially at low to extremely low altitudes.

According to open sources, the unit price of the Pantsir missile system is around 14 million dollars (converted to over 300 million crowns).

Ukraine destroyed the award-winning Russian S-400 anti-aircraft system with its Neptun missile (article here)

Ukraine destroyed the award-winning Russian S-400 anti-aircraft system with its Neptun missile. | Video: Associated Press

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