2024-10-10 14:35:00
The “Regional Stabilization and Development Fund” is a project designed to respond preventively to crises.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has launched the second phase of its “Fund for Regional Stabilization and Development” (FRSD), a project financed by the German federal government worth 25 million euros. Covering the period between 2024 and 2027, the new phase will be deployed in three ECOWAS member states: Benin, Togo and Guinea-Bissau, the intergovernmental organization said.
It focuses mainly on three areas of intervention, namely: employment (vocational training, basic infrastructure, promotion of entrepreneurship, etc.), the environment (reforestation, irrigation, renewable energy, etc.) and services necessary to for social integration (sport, media). for peace, conflict resolution mechanisms, etc.), it was specified.
The first phase of the project was implemented in Gambia (2019-2024), he recalled. The activities of the new phase were launched on September 11 in Cotonou, Benin. In this country, socio-economic stabilization interventions will benefit 24,000 people in three departments: Atacora (north-west), Donga (mid-west) and Collines (centre), ECOWAS said, adding that Benin could receive full funding, in relation to this. of 17 million euros as support from the FRSD.
“This project clearly shows that the fight against violent extremism is not just a military responsibility. It is a matter of looking forward to the establishment of basic socio-economic infrastructure, strengthening the capacities of vulnerable populations to give them hope and implementing governance policies capable of our fragile survival together”, declared Amadou Diongue, Resident Representative of ECOWAS in Benin The official was speaking during an intervention during the official launching ceremony of the FRSD in Benin.
The second phase of the FRSD is implemented under the coordination of ECOWAS in partnership with the government of Benin, German Cooperation and national partners. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It was designed to proactively respond to crises by creating sustainable economic opportunities for vulnerable groups, including women, young people and returning migrants.
To do this, it finances infrastructure and equipment for several value chains (horticulture, poultry, fishing and aquaculture), as well as investments in professional training, skills development and resource development. According to the BMZ, the economic prospects and alternatives strengthen the “resilience” of vulnerable groups, especially young people, and make it difficult for extremist groups to recruit them.
Terrorism, conflicts, military coups, trafficking of all kinds, unemployment, drought and floods – West Africa faces many security, political, socio-economic and climate challenges.
Dpa (German Press Agency), Africa Department
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