“The selection takes shape here”: for French riders, the road to Paris 2024 passes through Fontainebleau

by time news

2023-04-22 19:26:22

The first obstacle when arriving on the immense plain of the Grand Parquet in Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) is to find a place. We end up finding one to park at the bottom of the 30 ha, on what is usually used as a cross country course. Even on a Friday, before the rush of the weekend and the start of school holidays in Île-de-France, the spring of equestrian sports attracts crowds.

Several thousand spectators are expected until Sunday. “For the third federation in the country in terms of licensees behind football and tennis, recalls the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, this is a major meeting. Indeed, at the end of this rainy weekend announced at the end, we will know the name of the new rider champion of France in show jumping. Or a rider, like Pénélope Leprévost, crowned here a year ago.

“Remember, insists Nadège croisee admiring the first jumps, that our sport is the only mixed Olympic sport. Women are equal to men. Hold on, look who is jumping right now: Alexandra Ledermann. We had lost sight of La Normande. Now 53 years old, bronze medalist in the individual competition at the Atlanta Games in 1996, she was the first rider to be crowned European champion, ahead of all the men. It was in 1999.

It’s been 73 years that the French Championships have been organized close to the castle of the Kings and Napoleon. Having moved to the background of the calendar for a few years, they have once again become a major event on the circuit with a large company in charge, GL Events. They are even more important now as Paris 2024 looms.

The French Olympic champions are here…

The Grand Parquet is not concerned by the meeting. It had hosted the equestrian events in 1924 and served as a rear base in 1980 at the time of the Moscow boycott. He applied to be on the list of sites a century later but the Cojo preferred Versailles and the setting of another castle. Fontainebleau consoles himself by telling himself that it is on his land that the selection of the Games is also taking shape. “Absolutely, confirms Sophie Dubourg, the DTN of the federation. This Spring of Equestrian Sports is an important meeting for the French Olympic jumping and dressage teams. “Not yet decisive but it lays the foundation for selection.

The best French riders are on the Grand Parquet of Fontainebleau throughout the weekend. LP

In about fifteen months, the riders who will represent the French show jumping team will be counted on the fingers of one hand: four starters and a substitute. Places will be expensive to try to succeed the one who won gold in Rio 7 years ago. The heroes of this epic are still candidates: Pénélope Leprévost, Roger-Yves Bost, Kevin Staut and Philippe Rozier are in Fontainebleau.

And the entrance is free

Without ambition, however, for the defending champion. “My horse Texas, says Leprévost, is recovering from a minor injury and will not be able to take part in the French Championship to aim for the double. » Edward Levy, Simon Delestre and a dozen other riders are contenders for his succession to the national title and the Olympic selection. The championship will take place this Sunday from 2 p.m. Admission for the whole weekend is completely free.

In Spring, you can also come across legends. The English John Whitaker for example but also the German Isabel Werth, the best dressage rider in the world at the moment. The big favorite to go for the gold medal in a few months. Not in Fontainebleau but in Versailles.

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