The strange phenomenon of Bezrukov: is recognized as the best film actor every year

by time news

Every year, all kinds of popularity ratings are held, but no matter who initiates them, Sergey Bezrukov will certainly be in the lead, or rather, Sergey Bezrukov remains. What is the mystery of his unprecedented popularity? And why young filmmakers, no matter how many they are filmed, are so poorly known, “MK” talked with an authoritative expert, film director, participant in Cannes and many other world and domestic festivals Larisa Sadilova.

So, the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion conducted another telephone survey, covering 1,600 Russians over 18 years old. The maximum sampling error, according to VTsIOM, does not exceed 2.5% with a 95% probability. The result is an amazing picture.

According to the Russians surveyed, the best singer of 2022 is Oleg Gazmanov, who received 14 percent of the vote (for comparison, Nikolai Baskov has 9, and Philip Kirkorov has 8). Gazmanov is especially popular among men (17%) and citizens over 60 years old (18% versus 1% among Russians aged 18-24). Although women love him, if they love him, then without measure. One former head of education, who has moved into the tourism business, takes tourists across the Crimean Bridge to Gazmanov’s song about how majestic and beautiful he is. As soon as the tourist bus crosses it, she turns on Gazmanov’s recording to the fullest and plunges herself into a trance.

The most popular singer was Polina Gagarina. 14% of respondents voted for it. Basically, Russians under 45 years old love her (17-18%), and women here account for 18% against 12% among men. Immediately behind Gagarina in the ranking is Alla Pugacheva, who accounts for 8% of admirers of her talent. Third place and, accordingly, 7% of the fans of Valeria. Sofia Rotaru, Elena Vaenga, Zivert, Pelageya and Zemfira scored 4% of respondents each.

Among film actors, 49-year-old Sergei Bezrukov is in the lead. His name was given by 11% of the survey participants. What films with his participation were released in 2022 and 2021? The series “Union of Salvation. Time of Wrath ”by Nikita Vysotsky and Ilya Lebedev, where he played Prince Peter Volkonsky. A little earlier, “Scholarship Fruits” by Igor Ugolnikov appeared, where Bezrukov played a savvy Russian guy who was loved by a sophisticated German Frau during the Second World War. There was also almost a franchise “Bender”, the series “Abode” by Veledinsky, “Podolsk cadets”. He starred in two military films – “Air” by Alexei German Jr. and “Nuremberg” by Nikolai Lebedev, but they have not yet been released.

In this case, specific names do not really matter. Bezrukov is interested in people in itself. The image of a successful person and artist, caring husband and father plays its role.

Sergei Bezrukov is followed by Konstantin Khabensky, head of the theater, Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. He has 9% of the vote. Next come Vladimir Mashkov and Sergey Burunov, who each have 7%. Dmitry Pevtsov, Yevgeny Mironov, Alexander Petrov and the deceased Sergey Puskepalis got three percent each.

The winner among actresses was 36-year-old Elizaveta Boyarskaya. She has only 6% of the vote, that is, almost half that of Sergei Bezrukov. Elizabeth appeared in the series “The Seventh Symphony” by Alexander Kott and “Without Rules” by Ivan Kitaev. The characters of several full-length animated films spoke in her voice. . Like Sergei Bezrukov, who runs the Provincial Theater, Elizabeth is busy at the Maly Drama Theater – the Theater of Europe under the direction of Lev Dodin. So there is not much time left for the movies. So, the reason, again, is something else, in image resources. She has a good family. Husband – actor Maxim Matveev, two children. Karen Shakhnazarov, with whom they starred in Anna Karenina, considers them one of the most beautiful and talented couples in Russian cinema.

Somewhat weakened the position of Svetlana Khodchenkova, who is always on the first line. She has 5% support. Ekaterina Klimova, Alexandra Bortich and Ekaterina Guseva collected 4% each. Chulpan Khamatova and Marina Aleksandrova are also popular with Russians, with 3% each. The only actress-cosmonaut Yulia Peresild has only 2%. In the same positions – Alisa Freindlich, Irina Pegova, Maria Kulikova. 10% of young people aged 18-24 voted for Alexandra Bortich.

We talked with the film director and actress Larisa Sadilova, who made the films “Garden”, “Once Upon a Time in Trubchevsk”, “Son”, “Nanny Wanted”, “With Love, Lilya”, who starred Valentina Telichkina, Viktor Sukhorukov, Victoria Iskakova, Valery Barinov, well-known and completely unknown, but no less wonderful actors not only from Moscow, but also from small towns.

– Why do you think the rating is headed by Sergey Bezrukov with such constancy from year to year? His film year was not so eventful. The best pictures haven’t come out yet. And Elizaveta Boyarskaya did not have any special prime ministers.

– It’s just that these people are advertised on television, in the media. And many actors and directors are simply not known, because they are not reflected there in any way. If you ask a variety of people to name young directors and actors, they will not be able to do this, because they simply do not know their names. No one knows about them, because nothing is written or said about them.

– There is Ivan Yankovsky, Lyubov Aksenova – wonderful young actors who act a lot. There is Daria Moroz, who has released many new paintings. But you rarely see them in the ratings.

– It is necessary to understand who answers the questions. People are just trying to remember some names and faces that they display. They don’t remember movies. My feeling is that little is said about people. Maybe someone has watched a movie, but they cannot remember either the actor or the director, they only remember what it is about. And here you still need to somehow present the appearance. Pick a last name for her. Somehow put it all together. And the first one who can come to mind is Bezrukov.

– Is it connected with the image of the actors? Respectable Sergei Bezrukov is a good family man, a successful leader, the right man. Elizaveta Boyarskaya also makes a positive impression on people. Dad is the famous artist Mikhail Boyarsky. The husband is handsome. There is a certain image of well-being.

– Again, how do people find out about this image? From the media. Sometimes I see that some things are paid for. This does not apply to the actors you named. Why all of a sudden during the week they start writing everywhere about the forgotten artist? In my opinion, there is only one explanation. I told you about it.

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