2024-10-20 16:00:00
The chestnut is perhaps the nut that goes most unnoticed. This very tied to a seasonal moment, We do not have it available all year round, as is the case with walnuts or almonds, imported or native. Even if I’m alone the autumn and winter months highlight, it is better not to miss the details on how by consuming them we reduce risks very widespread diseases in Spain.
The Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 recently announced the decrease in the rate of childhood obesity in Spain among children between 6 and 9 years old. Specifically, it was reduced by 4.5 percent compared to the first ministerial study, carried out in 2011. Families and school canteens have taken note of the warnings from health authorities about a silent epidemic which in Western society places the child population as a dangerous target.
The ministerial news is good, but with nuances: the rate has just decreased among the most vulnerable schoolchildren, those who belong families with gross income less than 18,000 euros per year. According to ministerial data, the point is not only that the numbers have not reduced, but also this double those of families with more income. A dynamic that obviously repeats itself with regards to the adult population.
Overweight and obesity
As explained by the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (FEN), the nutritional composition of chestnuts is more similar to that of cereals than to that of nuts. Its main feature is its composition in water: almost 50 percent of the fruitthat together with the significant presence of carbohydrates makes it a notable source of fiber. The nutritional equation is therefore excellent for people who want to avoid overweight and obesity: chestnut has no calorie content.
inflammatory diseases
While the vitamin content Don’t turn the chestnut into what is recently known as a ‘superfood’, it’s really interesting diversity which has in this sense: being predominantly abundant vitamin E, B vitamins (especially B1 and B6) and folic acid.
As for minerals, their contribution is also heterogeneous.: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, selenium and zinc. The combination of both elements, vitamins and minerals, gives it anti-inflammatory properties, shield against autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis or Crohn’s disease.
Cardiovascular disease
An organism in a state of chronic inflammation is linked to the process and development of several diseases.the most dangerous are cardiovascular diseases, although inflammation also increases the risk of suffering from other diseases as widespread as diabetes. Here B vitamins play a fundamental role: they develop a protective effect on the nervous system, promoting its correct functioning.
Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (sf). Chestnut, castanea vulgaris. https://fen.org.es/MercadoAlimentosFEN/pdfs/castana.pdf
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