The West’s new “color” plan for Georgia

by times news cr

Author: Elvin Sahavatoglu

As the elections in Georgia approach, Western pressure on official Tbilisi has intensified. It seems that Western countries under the leadership of the United States have prepared a new plan for the next “color revolution”, which always lies at the core of the Western plan for chaos

Why do they want to sow chaos in Georgia?

Since yesterday, various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have started holding rallies in the country. They support its integration into Europe, they want the “transparency of foreign influence” law, which is associated with Russia, to be repealed, as well as the ban on LGBT propaganda to be lifted.

The West’s new “color” plan for Georgia

The Georgian government strives to pursue an independent policy and reduce foreign influence in the country. The authorities have achieved this to some extent. The West wants the Georgian authorities to follow their interests. Recent events indicate that protests may occur after the October 26 elections.

The country’s authorities also issued warnings on this matter. This was first reported by the Georgian Ministry of Defense, and a few days ago by Russian intelligence. According to information from the Georgian Foreign Ministry, from September 26 to 29, 2023, new preparations for the process of the forceful overthrow of the government took place at the IBIS hotel in Tbilisi. These people were taught how to act against target groups – the authorities, the church, the State Security Service and other departments, as well as how to create pickets and artificial traffic jams, how to set up tents in front of the entrance to administrative buildings. buildings, how to create tension in government structures.

How does the West carry out “color revolutions”?

Over the past period, with the support of the West, a “color revolution” took place in the countries of the former post-Soviet space – Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. Large-scale protests were also organized in Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan. But in these countries it was not possible to achieve the desired result.

In addition, it was the hand of the West in the so-called “Arab Spring” that caused the death of millions of people and refugees. The project of chaos in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and many other countries in the Middle East has brought a “successful” result. The main initiators of the “Arab Spring” were the organization CANVAS, the core of which is the Serbian organization “Otpor”. They received assignments from USAID.

If we pay attention to the details of the bloody process in Arab countries, we will see that the process was very carefully organized. First of all, we need a pretext to start a revolution. For example, the pretext for creating chaos in Tunisia was the self-immolation of unemployed university graduate Mohamed Bouazizi on December 18, 2010. After this incident, large-scale protests began across the country.

In Syria, Egypt, Libya and other Arab countries, there was any excuse to create confusion, and the countries were pulled into a quagmire from which they could not get out for a long time.

As mentioned above, the cause of chaos in Georgia may be a negative opinion in the interim and final reports of the European Commission on the upcoming elections.

Deceitful tactics used by CANVAS in organizing their campaigns

It should be especially emphasized that the main organizers of the actions in Arab countries were people who took part in CANVAS trainings. Although the organizers were Arabs, they spoke excellent English. During the protests that began in Syria in 2011, a teenage girl was seen calling people to the streets, first in Arabic and then in English, which she speaks fluently. The clothes of the main organizers of the events that took place in Egypt and Syria were also specially selected. Their clothing – the colorful hijab of Muslim girls – was supposed to make a pleasant impression on the participants of the action and attract their attention. These points had a positive impact on the number of people who joined the protests.

The main noteworthy point is that the people who came to the rally were instructed to clear the rally area on their way. The main goal here was to bring awareness to all sections of society that the rallies have a non-violent purpose and to attract more protesters to participate in future protests.

One of the main weapons of CANVAS members is Western-oriented media. First, with the help of these media, they quickly spread negative events and social problems in the country. In other words, they encourage people to stand up to the government. Once the revolutionary process begins, they present events to people as if they would be betraying the successful path of the country if they did not participate in these demonstrations.

Now similar tactics are planned to be implemented in Georgia. There is currently uncertainty regarding future processes in Georgia. The direction in which processes will develop will be determined in the region a week after the elections. The high probability is that the West will try to form a Maidan movement in Georgia, as happened in Ukraine. This is what the new “color revolution” in Georgia will look like.

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