The youngest swimmer in the history of Oncoswim is from Girona and is 14 years old

by time news

2023-05-26 18:11:58

These days, at home Left, joy accumulates. “We are very excited to share this together. The family is very happy and it is historic, because it had never happened in the history of theOncoswim. We are delighted, the truth”, reasons theEricsixteen years old, a little more than two years older than en Michael, who just turned fourteen and is the youngest participant in the history of a competition that takes place on Saturday morning. “It’s an honor, but the most important thing is that everyone helps, because there are people who suffer. We hope that people will be encouraged and visible”, describes Miquel, in an act of great maturity.

More than 60,000 euros collected

“It is very important to help. At home they constantly stress it to us. And at GEiEG also, clear”, defend Èric and Miquel Izquierdo, two of the members of the ‘Nens del GEiEG’, who, together with Agustí Planas, Pol Barcelo i Teo Marinwill participate in the seventh edition of the Oncoswim, a thirty-kilometer solidarity crossing between thestartled and Calella de Palafrugell and which aims to raise funds for breast cancer research. The children’s team is not the only one from the Girona organization that participates, because a masters team formed by Alba Pons, martha vila, Minerva Pujol, Alex Perez i Michael Roger. Between the two, more than four thousand euros have already been collected. And among all the teams in the competition, more than sixty thousand.

The GEiEG has carried out several socio-sporting initiatives to raise funds. The doctor and also group member Maria Teresa Puigwho heads the investigation of the New Therapeutic Targets Research Group from University of Girona, comments that “research is very relevant and it is key that as a society we get involved in projects like this, there are many people involved in research, but at the same time, we lack resources”. It is great news that the new generations do not care about these issues.

Eric and Miquel spend many hours a week in the water. “I come three days a week, for about five hours, after school”, says the eldest, who is in the fourth year of secondary school. “Me a little more, because I play water polo and since we have matches, I might be there for eight hours”, says the little one, who has two fewer courses and says that he would like to make it to the senior team in the future. “I don’t see it as incompatible with studies and I’m having a great time doing sport.” “And it’s good for health”, adds Éric.

Do sport without the mobile phone

Today, many teenagers and adults manifest a serious problem of addiction to screens. This is not the case of the Izquierdo brothers, who at home keep a check on the use of mobile phones. “I’m not stuck: we have activated parental control and we can only use the phone for an hour and a half a day. When the time runs out, it is blocked», Eric explains. “On the weekends, they extend it by one more hour. And maybe one day I will ask them for more hours or, especially in the summer, when I have more free time, they turn a blind eye. But I half control it, I prefer to do sports or be with friends”, says Miquel.

Used to the pool, the Oncoswim is contested in open water and will last approximately seven hours. The change is radical. “It gives me a bit of respect to go deep inside and not see land”, admits the minor, while the major puffs his chest. “I’ve already done some mischief, it doesn’t scare me.”

The test begins with all participants swimming for twelve minutes, while a boat accompanies them. Then four get into the boat and one continues swimming, and relays take place every twelve minutes until the final twelve, in which they all cross the finish line at the same time. “But it’s not the most important thing, huh. The most important thing is to raise money”, they repeat at the same time. jordi left, the father, who waits patiently for the report to finish, opens up when we finish. “We’re drooling. Everything they do is a matter of pride.”

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