The Zea Mays team will receive the 2023 Branch Award

by time news

2023-05-12 10:58:25

The band Zea Mays from Bizkaia will receive the 2023 Adarra Award for having “maintained a very high level and quality in its 26-year musical career”. This was decided by the Advisory Committee made up of journalist Juan González Andrés, musician Sara Zozaya and technician Esther Fernandino.

The singer Aiora Renteria had words of thanks in this Friday’s performance. “We feel very loved. Receiving such recognitions is something nice, we welcome them with open arms. If we combine the reception we receive at the concerts with the awards, it makes us happy and we feel proud of the journey we have made and the equipment we have.’ In this regard, he wanted to highlight the work done by both the four team members and the entire team at the door to achieve good results. “The four of us do a lot of work, but without the work done by the team, the 26-year career wouldn’t be possible.”

Jon Insausti, the Councilor for Culture and Euskara, announced that, as usual, Zea Mays will receive the award on June 21 with a special concert at the Victoria Eugenia Theater. Tickets for this will be available next May 15 and will cost 5 euros.

As Renteria recalled, it will not be a foreign stage for Zea Mays, as they performed there on June 12, 2020. “We are busy with the presentation of the new album, but we want to do something special. We control the hall and even if people are sitting we are ready to do a rock style concert.’

In this regard, of course, he said that they will make adjustments and that now the challenge will be “to find the time to give direction to the concert”. As usual with the band from Bizkaia, Renteria has not closed the door to collaborations and the possibility of being guests. “On the album we had a powerful collaboration like Rozal, we will try, but such people have a very closed agenda with months to go.”

Special prize

The Adarra Award highlights an artist or group that has had or is having a particularly important or influential career in the field of Basque music. The recognition was created in 2014 by the City of Donostia through the Donostia Kultura association and since then the following have received the award: Mikel Laboa, Ruper Ordorika, Benito Lertxundi, Fermin Muguruza, Anari Alberdi, Berri Txarrak, Kepa Junkera, Amaia Zupiria and Joseba Tapia.

Along with the Branch Award, they are also given a bronze sculpture by the Navarre artist Marijose Rekalde.

#Zea #Mays #team #receive #Branch #Award

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