“There is no criminal power that prospers without political power” – La Nación

by times news cr

Durán’s development projects are under attack, according to Mayor Luis Chonillo. After a year of municipal management in which he calls “the most violent city in the world The official suggests that there are links between politics and organized crime.

The implications of the recent attacks, the challenge of managing a city without being able to stay in it and the efforts to advance their projects. The mayor of Durán, Luis Chonillo, completed a year of administration in which he calls ““the most violent city in the world”.

The National Police blames the Chone Killers terrorist group, already alias ‘Negro Tulio’, for the attack suffered by the official on May 15, 2023. Three people died in the armed attack. And in the last year they murdered a councilor and a municipal director. On the night of Sunday, June 9, a new explosion was recorded in the canton, this time outside the Poliográfico company, owned by the mayor’s family.

In an interview with PRIMICIAS, Chonillo suggests that behind the attacks on officials, the municipality, him and his family there are also political interests that seek his resignation to take over the Cantonal Council and public funds.

How do you interpret the attack against your family’s company?

Every time we delve deeper into our projects or have good news for the city, the attacks immediately activate. A week ago we announced the start of a study to explore a new drinking water collection site for the city, to seek a definitive solution to the historical drinking water debt in Durán. The idea is to bring the water from the Daule River, because Durán is surrounded by water, but the Babahoyo River is very brackish.

And after that they put the bomb on the company. The pamphlet they left after the explosion is very telling: “Get out, Chonillo,” that’s what the pamphlet said. It is more than evident that there are intentions to take control of the municipality. And we are in that fight now, because they want to take power in the city. They are pushing for my resignation. And what happens in the city is a reflection of what happens throughout the country.

Do criminal groups want to retake political quotas in the municipality?

We all know that there is no criminal power that prospers without political power, whether by action or omission. That’s basic. I cannot speak of the scope, the type of support or entrenchment that they could have had in other municipal administrations.

Is that why limiting the mayor’s action is key?

They seek to subjugate us with violence. We have not stopped, we are reinventing ourselves, obviously taking care of our lives, with a security scheme that I have to respect, not only for my integrity, but also that of those who accompany me and surround me. The Mayor has not been able to be in the office as such, but that has not limited me from being able to be in the territory. I am in Durán itinerantly, sporadically, although for a short time, due to security issues, but we have been making progress.

This type of project, such as that of paying off the drinking water debt, can bother different sectors, not only organized crime, but also political sectors.

The mayor of Durán, Luis Chonillo, on a tour on August 1, 2023. Lusi Chonillo/Twitter

Who is inconvenienced in the advancement of projects in Durán?

Intelligence and investigation organizations have to take care of that. We do not know for sure, beyond the fact that the criminal groups operating in the city are fully identified.

It has been proven that the progress of our administration is uncomfortable. There are political groups that are taking advantage of the situation. With threats they want us to give in, to resign, to take over the Council and corruptly manage public funds.

But did Latin Kings and Ñetas (now Chone Killers) support other mayors?

We have no commitment to anyone. I arrived with my own project, with a completely independent coalition, in a process that cost me a lot, because we reached the Mayor’s Office in the second candidacy. So, we came here with a large majority of citizens to seek a transformation of the city. That’s what we’re focused on. What I want is the benefit of the city. And you govern for everyone, for those who voted for you and for those who did not.

If something happens to you, who do you hold responsible?

That question is so difficult, but I am in the hands of God, who saved me in the attack on May 15. And we concentrate on continuing to work, surviving daily. Knowing who to hold responsible is very complicated, the same attack is still under investigation. The only thing I know is the progress of the process, it would be irresponsible at this time to hold anyone directly responsible… There are many interests.

What will the support offered by former presidential candidate Jan Topic consist of?

We are working with the United Nations (UN) on a plan for peaceful coexistence and governance for the city of Durán. I am going to contact Jan and the prefect Marcela

Aguinaga (Citizen Revolution), who also publicly expressed his support to us, to see how his collaboration can be attached to the plan we are building. And I would love for the National Government to also have that position that the former candidate for the Presidency has had, as well as different sectional authorities, civil society, and the industrial sector. I would love for you to have the same posture.

What phase is this action plan in?

The first part is a diagnosis that speaks of the direct correlation of violence with circumstances such as the situation of children and adolescents in the city, but also with the deficient coverage of basic services and with gender violence.

After the diagnosis comes the socialization stage, which can be counted on. There is another one that is inter-institutional coordination and then comes that of seeking funds for social work and for the recovery of certain spaces.

What is the hardest thing about that diagnosis?

78% of the population lacks sewage. We have 14,874 students who at some point have stopped attending classes in person in Durán, either due to fear of crime or violent events.

The level of recruitment of adolescents by organized crime, for example, is another issue. The impoverished areas of the drug route are the most prone to this reality. We have to be able to promote a culture of peace through education, as well as productive alternatives that generate income for families, so that organized crime groups begin to lose their social base.

Is there support from the UN?

Yes, support from the UN is key to the search for reimbursable and non-reimbursable funds for the benefit of the same citizens and to recover that social fabric, which is talked about so much now.

Part of the commitments is support to knock on doors in the search for funds, with multilaterals and other organizations. We have already implemented initiatives aimed at students such as “From the classrooms to the field”, to prevent violence in educational environments and try to promote a culture of peace, through sports.

Does Durán demand an intervention similar to that of Manta?

Last year, Durán had a rate of 145 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest in the world. In relation to cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants, we are probably the most violent city in the world.

And so far this year, violent deaths have increased by more than 350%. In addition, Guayas is the most conflictive province, above Los Ríos and Manabí. It is good that the Executive transfers the operations command of the Armed Forces and the Police to Manabí, but where is Guayas.

We have been living this reality for more than a year. We do not understand the security decisions of the Government, which has a monopoly on weapons.

What happens with provinces that are highly conflictive and that need the presence of the Public Force? How are strategic security decisions being made?

Do you think there is disinterest or apathy on the part of the Government about what is happening in Durán?

The results are there, the violence data is clear. A week ago we had attacks and attacks on the Municipality and the Transit Agency, the military immediately went out to guard the perimeter.

But the next day they were gone. Therefore, decisions cannot be stationary, momentary, circumstantial. They have to be permanent, strategic and prioritizing intelligence information. In addition, resources must be prioritized, allocations given on time to the cities that have the greatest conflict so that they can have works, recover the social fabric.


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