This Buen Fin 2024 seeks to print a Mexican stamp

by times news cr


This edition of special offers from Good End 2024, which will be held between November 15 and 18, will have a very Mexican seal, revealed the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco).

Octavio de la Torre, president of the Confederationpointed out that on this occasion they will seek to promote what was done in Mexico and highlight the pride in our products.

“We must raise awareness about buying local, helping the local economy throughout the country, so that small businesses that do not have the ability to pay for advertising or issuing promotions benefit from this campaign.”

From the Tower commented to this newspaper that they project the registration of 170 thousand businesses, despite the fact that in the presidential election they managed to add 300 thousand to offer incentives to citizens who showed their painted finger, a sign that they had gone to vote.

We are anticipating that the spill, for which an estimate was not given, will grow in this Good End, where this idea of ​​what is Mexican has advanced very well.

He insisted that this time it is not just about promoting consumption, but about generating a part social and convene society in general to support our own products made in the country.

The Concanaco called the new federal administration that he has headed for a few days Claudia Sheinbaum and the secretary of Economy, Marcelo Ebrard, “let’s all focus on integrating a National Trade Policy, since there is a commitment on the part of the business sector to work with the levels of government and governors to boost the country’s economy.”

Octavio de la Torre, who took over Concanaco a few months ago, he said that the messages that the president has given Claudia Sheinbaum At the moment they are positive and are focused on economic growth.

“Issues are being promoted such as the projection of greater investment in infrastructure, reducing the informal economy and that policies be addressed to reduce corruption and extortion.”

He explained that of the first 100 commitments that the president offered to support, 77 of them require capitalhe 15% will generate resources and the rest will have a neutral scheme.

For the plans to really work, well our reading, said, is that these 100 commitments generate economy, which is why we insist directly and frontally on establishing a comprehensive national policy of commerce, services and tourism, since this sector means up to 66% of National GDP and that provide 7 out of 10 formal jobs and are the ones that add 90% of formal jobs for Mexican Social Security Institute.

“So, in order to comply with these commitments, it is necessary to encourage and improve the conditions to be able to start a business in Mexico.”

He commented that in that Expenditure Budget That this administration presents it is established to reduce the contracting of debt, it will be necessary to encourage the economy and make it really grow.

“The reality is that it is going to be very difficult, because resources are required to achieve the goals, and not only do they have to generate stricter inspection schemes, but they have to rejoice, because by making the economy grow and For the economy to expand, that seems to me to be the challenge and it is what we are addressing.”

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