This is how this new type of fraud works

by times news cr

And video that circulated weeks ago on social networks, moved many users because it showed the moments in which several people showed solidarity with a boy who threw his jellies.

However, the same Internet users discovered that really it’s all about a scamsince what happened with the minor that motivated a gesture of collective solidarity, has happened several times.

But what does the jelly throwing kid scam? We tell you how This new type of fraud works that was discovered in Mexico City (CDMX).

Jelly throwing kid scam (Video shot)

The video of the boy throwing jelly shocked the internet

In it video which generated numerous positive reactions due to the solidarity of the people, it was appreciated that a child had thrown apparently by accident, the jellies that he was selling.

The clip included an explanation of what had happened and it stated that the minor tripped and when he fell he dropped the jellies he was selling, so several people came to help him.

Regarding this, it can be seen that those who came to help him not only helped him collect his products, but also several gave him money in order to cover lost profits.

The gesture of solidarity that was replicated by several people who passed by the place where the child threw the jellies, moved many network users social networks that came across the video.

However, some time later other videos were shared in which it is shown that the same child threw his jellies again and as in the first case, several people gave him money.

Given the dissemination of the new videos of the minor, they began to generate suspicions and theories about the possibility that in reality everything is a scam.

Even several Internet users who interacted in the publications asserted that witnessed the same case starring the same child, in a specific area of ​​CDMX and in a single day.

This is how the kid who throws jelly scam works

When the versions spread that in reality the case of boy who throws jelly is a scamthe X account known as “Los Supercívicos”, shared another video evidencing fraud.

In the recording, the boy and his jellies are once again shown on the ground, before which some passers-by approached to help you pick up your products that was already trampled.

As in the previous videos, it can be seen that the civilians began to give him money, but at one point, the minor intentionally threw some jellies they had already collected.

That is to say that in reality the child does not accidentally throw away his productsbut he throws his jellies on purpose in order to move people so that they in turn give him money.

What was shown in the video corroborates the versions of Internet users who even warned that the minor perform the same act several times a day in areas such as the Historic Center, Bellas Artes and Buenavista.

However, the same social media users point out that the actions of the child who throws jelly, it’s part of a fraud that would not be orchestrated by him, but by your tutors.

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