“This terrible act won’t let me go”

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After the traffic lights went out, a difficult year came to an end for the Chancellor. He now has around eight weeks until the new election date. And so far things are looking bad for Scholz and the SPD. Can it still be saved?

Last Friday afternoon, things were still calm in the Federal Chancellery for the moment. The last groups of visitors are led through the otherwise quiet corridors, the decorations begin to glow as dusk approaches outside. The Chancellor comes out of his office in a loose-fitting zip-up sweater, his face looks tired. This conversation with t-online was actually supposed to be one of his last appointments before a short break. After all, a difficult year is coming to an end for Olaf Scholz.

But a few hours later, crisis mode broke out again in the Chancellery. When a car plows into a crowd of people at the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany is once again in shock. Five people lose their lives and over 230 are injured. It is a state of emergency. Countless questions need to be clarified. The Chancellor sets off early on Saturday morning. The whole thing has top priority. At the same time, Scholz already knows that things have to continue. In a few days the rest phase will finally end. The election campaign starts. For the SPD politician, it is the last chance politically. A conversation about the lessons from Magdeburg, the upcoming election campaign and the question of what is actually decent.

For this interview, t-online has added a series of questions.

t-online: Mr. Chancellor, a week ago today there was an attack on the Magdeburg Christmas market. What consequences must this terrible act have?

Olaf Scholz: This terrible act won’t let me go. The morning after the attack I was in Magdeburg and spoke to many helpers. The suffering was felt first hand. The dead, the many, many seriously injured. A few days before Christmas there was a huge shock. One of the necessary consequences is that we investigate whether this terrible act could have been prevented. Every stone must be turned over.

In your opinion, could the attack have been prevented?

I would like to know that too. The security authorities are working intensively to clarify what information there was in advance about the alleged perpetrator. Apparently there have been repeated references to the man over the years. My expectation is clear: we must now examine very closely whether there have been any failures by the authorities in Saxony-Anhalt or at the federal level. There can be no false reticence.

Do our security authorities and secret services need more skills, such as data retention or biometric facial recognition?

The security authorities need more competencies, and after the knife attacks in Mannheim and Solingen, the federal government introduced corresponding laws with the security package. Unfortunately, some of these laws were blocked in the Federal Council in October. I call for the additional powers to be made possible quickly now.

Do the relevant laws now have to come as quickly as possible, i.e. before the federal election?

Are you approaching the Union again to legally implement the measures you believe are necessary?

The votes of the CDU and CSU are needed for approval in the Federal Council, so we are talking to everyone involved.

Didn’t make any mistakes? When it came to the question of trust, the Chancellor refrained from self-criticism. (Source: Dominik Butzmann)

Mr. Chancellor, the election campaign is coming up at the same time. This Friday, the Federal President dissolved the Bundestag and set the date for new elections. We would like to talk to you about respect. What does the term mean to you?

Respect means recognizing the achievements of each and everyone. And to help everyone feel seen. It’s not just about moral recognition, for example of the work of nurses, cashiers, steel workers or bus drivers. It’s also about decent pay. My goal is that everyone can lead a good life and get along well.

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