This Wednesday night, northerly winds are expected to enter the country

by times news cr

The Ministry of⁤ Environment and Natural‍ Resources⁣ (MARN)⁢ reported that tonight northerly winds ‍are expected to enter the western and northern parts ⁢of the territory. Likewise, he explained that they will be moderate to strong ​and​ are expected⁢ to continue until Friday, December 13.

“We⁢ will have northerly winds starting tonight. It is crucial to take the necessary precautions, dress appropriately and pay attention to‍ forecast updates,” the institution explained.

Average speeds will⁢ range between 15 and 25 kilometers per hour ​(km/h), with maximum gusts between⁤ 40 and 70 km/h ​and occasionally higher records, even more notable in high areas and in ⁢places where⁢ the⁤ terrain is favorable for acceleration. additional.

During these days,‌ the minimum temperature range‍ will be between 12 °C and ​18 °C in high areas; in‍ inland valleys ‍between 16 °C and 23 °C, and in coastal areas between 23⁤ °C and 26 °C. however,the presence of wind can generate ‌a reduction in ​thermal sensation at⁣ any time of the day.

“Ther will ‍be a decrease ​in the thermal sensation due ‍to the wind. The temperature will not change significantly,” saeid‌ the Environment.

For this day the ⁤sky⁢ is expected to⁢ be ‌slightly cloudy, and during⁤ the‌ afternoon, the sky‍ will be partly cloudy to cloudy. Some weak and ⁤fast-moving rains are likely in ⁢the north, east​ and volcanic ‍chain. While at night the sky​ will be slightly​ cloudy and without rain.

“During the day there will be ‌influence of the easterly ⁢flow, ​during the night​ and early morning, a ‌cold front will be north ‍of the Caribbean and the high pressure that drives it⁣ will allow the ⁢entry of northerly winds over⁤ El Salvador,”‍ the ‍Observatory noted.

Given these conditions, the environmental institution recommended that ‍the‍ population exercise caution and avoid agricultural burning during periods of strong winds to avoid fires and stay⁤ informed about the weather ‌forecast issued by the institution ‍to ⁢take appropriate‍ preventive measures. Wind⁤ speeds can cause tree falls.

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