Tips and Tricks for Staying Healthy on Your Holiday: Prevention is Better Than Cure

by time news

2023-06-26 14:40:47

You know what they say, don’t you. Prevention is better than cure. Yep.

You’ve probably been looking forward to it for weeks, but once you’ve arrived at your destination, you spend half the week in bed: there’s hardly a more disappointing holiday. With these tips & tricks, the chance of illness is much smaller or your time under the wool is halved in any case.

In most holiday countries you can’t drink from the tap, so that’s something you have to watch out for. Sometimes ice cubes are also made from tap water, so it might be wise to ask for a glass that doesn’t contain them (no matter how refreshing they are). You can also get diarrhea from eating the wrong thing. Better safe than sorry? Then try to avoid raw food and unpeeled fruit. And to be sure, also ask if the salad and other vegetables have been washed in safe water.

Do you get sick every time you have to fly or take a boat trip? Don’t forget to pack some travel sickness pills. Have you forgotten them yet? Then see if you can find them in a local pharmacy. You can also take into account where you sit. Are you going by boat? Then choose a spot in the middle. If you get into a car or bus, make sure you don’t eat too much beforehand, but don’t travel on an empty stomach either. A small snack is more sensible, or you can eat a little on the go to prevent nausea. And look ahead instead of on your phone, that works wonders.

Vomiting, nausea and headaches: sunstroke is anything but pleasant, but you can get it if you spend too much time in the full, blazing sun. So look for the shade in the hottest hours of the day and make sure you are well rubbed. Another smart idea is wearing a hat or cap. And what you should not forget – not on such a hot day anyway – is to drink enough water. Still overheated? Go to a cool place and place a wet cloth on your forehead and groin area. And again: drink, drink, drink.


Carolien Tsaonbsp26 June 2023, 12:41

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#prevent #sick #holiday

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