Tips not to eat unhealthy

by time news

The food industry seems to be doing everything it can to tempt us. With the help of sugar, salt and fat they try to increase snackability, sniffability and especially the multitude of foods to conquer a place in our stomach. So says Michael Moss, New York Times investigative reporter and author of the book Salt, Sugar, Fat, which appeared on Radar last week. For years, large food companies such as Nestlé, Kellogs, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola and Mars have been held accountable for the unhealthy food they market. They refute the criticism by arguing that the consumer makes the choice and they only serve the market. Meanwhile, the number of people with severe obesity, diabetes and heart disease is rising, so alarmingly there is talk of a real obesity epidemic. But is it solely a matter of the food industry or is it better for us to learn to resist the temptation of unhealthy food?

Consciously choose food

When we see others eating we get hungry and these unhealthy products often contain salt, sugar and fat. According to clinical psychologist Nicolette Siep, the preference for unhealthy food is reflected in the brain. When we see tasty products, the reward center in our brain becomes active. This system ensures that we also start to like food at times when there was no shortage of food. So even if you are satiated, you like certain foods and you start to build up food reserves. That wasn’t a big deal in the past. But nowadays there is food for sale everywhere, so that the temptation is very great and we are quickly inclined to eat too much and too unhealthy. The following tips will help you resist the temptation to eat unhealthy foods.

Tip 1: Choose whether or not you are going to eat

The temptation to eat unhealthy things is great every day. But it is up to you whether you accept this temptation. Think about how fat you can get if you give in to every temptation. Take a moment of rest before taking the first bite. Do you eat because the food happens to be available in your area, or do you eat because you are really hungry? Make a conscious choice to eat or not to eat.

Tip 2: Choose quality instead of quantity

Why gorge yourself on foods that you don’t really enjoy or that don’t have any nutritional value? Act like a snob when it comes to your diet. Only choose dishes or food that you really like. Or opt for nutrient-packed foods instead of empty calories. Be aware of your food.

Tip 3: Eat slowly and at the table

Eating slowly doesn’t have to mean sitting at the table for hours. Still, it’s a good idea to remind yourself and your family that eating isn’t a race against time. Take small bites and enjoy. Chewing your food better will help digest it better and you may discover flavors that you would otherwise have missed.

Tip 4: Focus on your food

Our daily lives are full of distractions and countless families eat with the TV or radio on. And how many families do not fiddle with mobile phones at the table? Don’t focus on other things, but keep your attention on the food. Eat in silence.

Tip 5: Pay attention to taste.

The sourness of a lemon, the spicy taste of arugula, the crunchy bite of a pizza. Pay attention to the details of your food. How does it smell? What is the mouthfeel? Does one bite taste different from the next? If you gulp down your food within minutes, you won’t be able to really enjoy the flavors and textures of your food.

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