Top 14 Health Benefits of Sex

by time news

It may seem easy to give in to the idea that chocolate and red wine are good for us, but many people still struggle to surrender to the idea that sex can be enjoyed not just for pleasure, but also for a health-promoting activity.

Our culture has long shaped the attitudes and beliefs we have about sexuality, especially for women. For example, many women grow up with the message that sex is something done “for a man” or “good girls don’t do that”, messages that don’t encourage you to enjoy your sexuality. In addition, sex has long been labeled as “risky behavior,” something that can cause unwanted pregnancy or STIs. Chances are you don’t remember your health classes (if you were lucky enough to have one) mentioning pleasure or the health benefits of sex.

In an effort to convince people that it’s okay to enjoy sex, scientists have started investigating some of the health benefits of sex. It turns out that sex is not only good for our relationships and mental health, which in turn improves our physical health, but it also has many direct benefits for our physical health. Let’s take a look at the top 15 health benefits of sex.

1. Sex improves prostate health

Sex can improve prostate health because it helps empty the prostate. Regular emptying of the prostate is important to prevent urine from accumulating and bacteria from multiplying, which can lead to infections and inflammation. Sexual activity can help the prostate to empty naturally and reduce the risk of these problems. In addition, sexual activity can improve blood flow to the prostate, improving the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the prostate. This may help support prostate health and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

2. Sex strengthens your immune system

Sex can strengthen our immune system because it causes our body to produce antibodies that protect us from disease and infection. During sexual activity, endorphins are released, which boost our immune system and help us fight infections and illnesses. In addition, having regular sexual activity can increase the number of white blood cells in our body, which helps us fight off pathogens. So if you want to stay healthy, having regular sexual activity is one of the many things you can do to support your immune system!

3. Sex improves our relationships

Perhaps one of the strongest benefits is that sex has a positive impact on our romantic relationships. In other words, sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction are strongly linked, so much so that sexual satisfaction can be used as a barometer of relationship satisfaction. Why should we pay attention to the importance of sex on romantic relationships? Well, the evidence shows that people in healthy romantic relationships tend to be less stressed, live longer, and heal faster from illness.

4. Sex makes us happy

The mind and body are closely connected. We know that poor mental health puts us at risk for chronic physical conditions. Fortunately, sex is great for our mental health. First of all, sex makes us happy. Several studies have examined the correlation between sex and happiness in recent decades. We know that the quality of the sexual experience is one of the strongest predictors of happiness, but what about the quantity? One study found that the strength of the link between sex and happiness decreased with once a week. In other words, if people pressured themselves to have sex more than once a week, they weren’t happier. It’s likely that sex makes us happy in part because of the delicious cocktail of neurochemicals it releases. Sex gives us a boost of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin – all of which make us feel good.

5. Sex improves sleep


Many Dutch people have trouble getting enough sleep. That’s a shame, because fatigue can be one of the biggest libido killers. But if you can muster the energy, it turns out that a good romp in the sheets can help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep.

6. Sex improves memory

Sex can improve our memory because it helps stimulate the growth of new neurons in our brain. During sexual activity, various hormones are released, such as dopamine and oxytocin, which have a positive effect on our brain function. These hormones stimulate the growth of new neurons and improve connections between existing neurons, which can lead to better memory. In addition, having regular sexual activity can also help reduce stress, which can have a negative effect on our brain function and memory.

7. Sex improves bladder control

We underestimate the importance of a healthy pelvic floor, especially for women. Weak pelvic floor muscles contribute to pelvic organ prolapse, sexual pain, and incontinence, especially in postmenopausal women. Orgasms are one of the best things you can do for pelvic floor health. Not only do orgasms promote healthy blood flow to the vaginal tissue, they also cause strong, pleasurable contractions of the pelvic floor muscles, which improve strength and tone.

8. Sex can help you forget your pain

Sex seems to act as a natural pain reliever. It can be hard to get in the mood when you’re in pain. But if you’re willing to try, sex can actually help you forget your pain, at least temporarily. This is probably due to the endorphins released after an orgasm. Endorphins act as a natural pain reliever. So skip the ibuprofen and try to have an orgasm the next time you have menstrual cramps or lower back pain.

9. Sex gives meaning to our lives


Good sex also seems to make our lives more meaningful and boost our mood. A 2017 study found that people who had positive sexual interactions had better moods the next day and also reported that their lives felt more meaningful.

10. Sex is good for the heart

While it shouldn’t be used as a substitute for regular exercise, studies show that sex is good for heart health. Middle-aged people tend to be more concerned about activities that could lead to a stroke or heart attack, but sex shouldn’t be on your list of worries. One study found that sex is unlikely to cause a stroke and may even help prevent heart attacks.

11. Increases longevity

Sex can increase longevity as it provides several health benefits that help our bodies stay healthy for longer. For example, regular sexual activity can help reduce stress, which can have a negative effect on our health and immune system. In addition, sexual activity can improve blood flow, allowing nutrients and oxygen to be better transported to our cells, which can help support our overall health. In addition, sexual activity can help us sleep better, which is essential for a healthy body and mind. All of these health benefits can help us live longer and healthier lives.

12. Improves circulation

Sex can improve circulation because it makes our heart work like a cardio workout. During sexual activity, our heart rate speeds up and our blood flows faster, which can help improve blood flow throughout our body. This means more oxygen and nutrients are carried to our cells, which can help support our overall health. In addition, having regular sexual activity can help lower our blood pressure, which is an important factor in maintaining good circulation.

13. Lowers blood pressure


Sex can lower blood pressure because it helps our body to relax. During sexual activity, various hormones are released, such as oxytocin and endorphins, which give us a sense of relaxation and well-being. This can help lower blood pressure and allow our hearts to rest. In addition, sexual activity can help us reduce stress, which is an important factor in maintaining good blood pressure. By having sex regularly, we can help our body relax and control our blood pressure.

14. Improved cognitive function

Sex can improve cognitive function because it helps our bodies release several neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are important for regulating our mood and our ability to concentrate. In addition, sexual activity can help us sleep better, which is essential for proper cognitive function. During sleep, our body gets the chance to repair and regenerate, which can help improve our memory and concentration.

As you can see, sex is good for us!

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