Tragic Violence in Grane: One Dead, One Injured in Domestic Incident

by time news
Foto: Frode Meosli / NTB

A woman is also injured in connection with the violent incident in Grane in Helgeland.

Wednesday, October 23 at 12:17

The police received a report on Tuesday at 18:50 that a person was seriously injured at Trofors in Grane municipality.

– When the police arrived at the scene, a man was found dead. Additionally, a woman was injured. She is being taken care of by health services and is not believed to have life-threatening injuries. A third person, a man who was also at the scene, has been arrested by the police.

They further state that significant resources have been deployed and an investigation has been initiated, which continues at the scene into the night until Wednesday.

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– It is too early to say anything about the sequence of events that led to one person being dead and another injured. That is something the further investigation will reveal, they write.

To VG, operation leader Lars Halvorsen in Nordland police district states that the arrested man is charged with murder.

– I note that the police choose to inform the media about the charge before informing the defense. It is unusual, says lawyer Jonas Berge from Elden Law Firm to VG.

He has been appointed as the defender for the accused man.

– I have not yet received the documents from the police. As soon as I receive them, I will have further discussions with my client to clarify what happens next in the case, says Berge in a press release.

Picture of Jonas BergeJonas Berge

Defense attorney for the accused man

He states that he cannot say anything more about what role his client has had in the incident or how he relates to the charge at this time.

– It is incredibly sad. We are a small municipality and everyone knows each other. It feels very close, says Mayor Raymond Fagerli (Sp) of Grane municipality.

Around 1500 people reside in the municipality.

– It is a shock when this happens. We are a quiet and calm place, says Fagerli.

– Are you assisting in any way?

– For now, we are not. It is the police who are handling this and who are controlling the case, and we are waiting to see if there is a need for assistance, says Fagerli.

Picture of Raymond Fagerli (Sp)Raymond Fagerli (Sp)

Mayor of Grane municipality

Earlier Tuesday evening, operation leader Halvorsen stated that there was no danger of other new incidents.

– Two people are injured – one of them seriously – and the police have arrested one person on site, Halvorsen told NTB.

The police are still working to clarify what has happened.

– It concerns who did what. There were people nearby who reported to the police, and it is unclear whether they had a role in the case, said Halvorsen.

– The operational phase is over and the police have control of the scene. The incident is unclear and the patrols are working to get an overview at this time. We will return with more information later, wrote the police in Nordland in a message to the press earlier Tuesday evening.


In an earlier version of this article, VG stated that the murder case belongs in Trofors. This is not entirely accurate; it is more correct to state that the murder case belongs at Trofors in Grane municipality. The article was updated on October 23 at 10:37.

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