Transfer of F-16 to Ukraine, death of General Jean-Louis Georgelin, Spain crowned in Sidney… The five facts to remember from the weekend

by time news

2023-08-20 19:21:59

Have you been off the news a bit over the past two days? We summarize the main information to remember.

The Netherlands and Denmark agree to deliver US F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen board an F-16 during a visit by Mr. Zelensky to the military air base in Vojens, Denmark, on Sunday 20 August 2023. RITZAU SCANPIX / VIA REUTERS

After months of negotiations, and two days after US approval, the Netherlands and Denmark agreed to supply F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte made the announcement on Sunday during a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to an airbase in the south of the Netherlands. The latter welcomed a decision « historical “, specifying that the deal was for 42 aircraft, which Mr. Rutte had not confirmed on Sunday evening. Denmark later announced plans to transfer 19 planes to kyiv.

The day before these annonas, at least seven people died and 148 others were injured in a Russian bombardment that targeted the city of Chernihiv in northern Ukraine. France denounced “a new illustration of Russia’s cowardice and cynicism”. For its part, the UN has condemned “this repeated pattern of Russian bombing of populated areas of Ukraine”.

Read also: War in Ukraine, live: the Netherlands and Denmark agree to transfer F-16 planes to Ukraine, Zelensky hails a “historic” decision

Jean-Louis Georgelin, former army chief of staff and responsible for the restoration of Notre-Dame, is dead

French army general Jean-Louis Georgelin, in charge of the reconstruction of Notre-Dame cathedral, on April 14, 2020, in Paris. BENOIT TESSIER / REUTERS

Former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and charged by Emmanuel Macron with overseeing the construction site for the reconstruction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris after the fire of 2019, General Jean-Louis Georgelin died Friday at the age 74 years old, we learned on Saturday August 19. “The nation is losing one of its great soldiers. France, one of its great servants. And Notre-Dame, the architect of its rebirth”, reacted on X (formerly Twitter), the President of the Republic.

The death of the general occurred during a hike in the Pyrenees. “The PGHM [peloton de gendarmerie de haute montagne] intervened on the slopes of Mont Valier (…) and discovered the body of a man who has been positively identified as General Georgelin”said a representative of the prosecutor, specifying that the accidental track was privileged.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Death of Jean-Louis Georgelin, general in charge of the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris

FIFA Women’s World Cup: Spain crowned world champion for the first time in its history

The Spanish women’s football team, crowned world champions, on August 20, 2023. FRANCK FIFE / AFP

La Roja beat reigning European champions Three Lionesses 1-0 on Sunday in Sydney. Dominated during the first minutes of the match, the Spaniards initially seemed taken by the challenge and by the pressing of the Three Lionesses.

Moments after England striker Lauren Hemp’s shot on the crossbar, La Roja finally opened the scoring through their captain, Olga Carmona (29ᵉ), with an unstoppable cross shot from the left at the entrance of the the surface. Sounded by the sixth nation in the world in the ranking of the International Football Federation (FIFA), the British were slow to respond to the Spanish assaults.

Read also: Football: Spain crowned world champion for the first time in its history against England

Solid defensively on the rare incursions of the Three Lionesses, La Roja held on and saw themselves crowned world champion. The Spanish selection, which took part in the tournament only for the third time, had so far never exceeded the round of 16. Radiant in the midfield, Barcelona’s Aitana Bonmati, 25, was voted best player of this World Cup.

Economist Daniel Cohen, sovereign debt specialist and professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, is dead

Daniel Cohen at a conference organized by the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, in Paris, April 6, 2017. JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

Economist Daniel Cohen, specialist in sovereign debt, professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and founding member of the Paris School of Economics died on Sunday August 20 in Paris, Le Monde learned. He was 70 years old. Winner of the Economics Book Prize – in 2000 for his book Nos temps modernes (Flammarion, 2008) and in 2012 for Homo Economicus, (lost) prophet of new times (Albin Michel, 2012), he was also a member of the monitoring of the World from 2010 to 2021, where he had published numerous analyses.

Read also: Economist Daniel Cohen is dead

The Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, paid tribute to a “a huge economist, but also an outstanding pedagogue, a pioneer of new ideas, a brilliant and convincing author”and pointed out that Mr. Cohen was “valuable advice during the Covid crisis[-19] ». For the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, “his vision of the French economy and of the great revolutions, in particular digital, will be missed in the public debate”. For his part, the Green MEP Yannick Jadot shared son “tremendous sadness” : “Daniel Cohen was not only a remarkably intelligent economist, connected to the issues of our time. He was deeply humanist, committed, available, funny. »

The Luna-25 probe crashed on the surface of the Moon

Takeoff on August 11, 2023 of the rocket carrying the Luna-25 probe. PA

The Russian space agency Roscosmos announced on Sunday that the Luna-25 probe, which was due to land on the Moon on Monday for a year-long mission, crashed into the surface of the Earth satellite after communication was lost during the day on Saturday. “The search for the ship and communication with it, carried out on August 19 and 20, did not yield any results”wrote the agency in a message posted on Telegram. The first analyzes carried out show, still according to Roscosmos, that Luna-25 left its planned route before crashing.

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This failure comes just as the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, promised to continue the Russian space program despite funding problems, corruption scandals and Russian isolation due to the war in Ukraine.

Read also: Luna-25: the Russian space agency Roscosmos announces that the probe crashed on the surface of the Moon

And also :

Disappearance. Economist Daniel Cohen, sovereign debt specialist and professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, is dead.

Paris 2024. The swimming events in the Seine of the mixed triathlon and paratriathlon test-event canceled

Media. The newspaper « The Tribune » announces the launch of a new weekly, directed by Bruno Jeudy and which will appear on Sundays

Miscellaneous facts. In Seine-Saint-Denis, a fire in L’Ile-Saint-Denis causes the death of 3 people

Niger. An ECOWAS delegation meets ousted President Mohamed Bazoum

Fire. Canary Islands: more than 26,000 evacuations in Tenerife, the fire still ongoing

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#Transfer #F16 #Ukraine #death #General #JeanLouis #Georgelin #Spain #crowned #Sidney #facts #remember #weekend

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