UNAM says goodbye to ‘Logan’, a dog with hip dysplasia who ‘skated’ at CU

by times news cr

The UNAM he said goodbye to ‘Logan‘, a little dog who suffered from hip dysplasia and was transported on a skateboard in University City (CU).

Through their social networks and through a video, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) said goodbye to ‘Logan’, a dog of the breed bulldog who suffered from hip dysplasia.

Although he suffered from hip dysplasia since he was a puppy, which affected his mobility, Logan found a way to be unstoppable on his skateboard while traveling around #CU. “Today we say goodbye to this charismatic bulldog, remembering with affection,” UNAM published with a clip of the dog’s best moments.

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It is worth remembering that Erick -a young thesis student from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences from UNAM, and who was taking care of the little dog – reported that ‘Logan’ died last December 27.

Furthermore, the young man stated that he rescued the canine from a kennel and from that moment he noticed that the animal no longer had mobility in the back part of its body.

Erik added that when ‘Logan’ was 9 months old, he saw him get up for the first time with excitement when he saw that he had a skateboard, which he adopted and from that moment on it became his means of transportation to walk.

“I didn’t rescue him, we both went through difficult things and we found each other, that’s how life took us,” Erick declared.

The university students knew ‘Logan’, they saw him riding his skateboard in Ciudad Universitaria, on the outskirts of the University Olympic Stadium and outside Rectory.

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The canine’s popularity among the university community allowed him to spend some time with the American football team. Pumas of the UNAM, in addition to other events of the Institution.

Despite the from hip dysplasia, ‘Logan’ won the hearts of the students by becoming an example of resilience for all those who attend the highest educational institution in Mexico.


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