Union wants to prevent security package: special meeting planned

by times news cr

In response to the dispute over the security package, the Union is tightening its approach in the Bundestag and is planning a special session.

According to information from t-online, the Union parliamentary group has scheduled a special meeting for Friday before the reading of the security package in the Bundestag. This is intended to ensure that all MPs are present in the plenary session to vote in order to test the questionable majority of the traffic light or even cause a defeat in the vote.

There had previously been a dispute during discussions on the traffic light security package in the Bundestag Interior Committee. The Union is upset because its own proposals on migration and security policy are not being discussed conclusively in the committee and therefore in the plenary this Friday.

On Friday, the Bundestag is scheduled to vote on the measures proposed by the SPD, Greens and FDP on asylum law, new powers for the security authorities and weapons law. The Union’s applications are now being blocked, but the AfD’s applications on the same topic are not, said the deputy chairwoman of the Union parliamentary group, Andrea Lindholz. “This is a unique, unbelievable event,” said the CSU politician in outrage.

The traffic light drafts stipulate that asylum seekers for whose requests for protection another European country is responsible under the so-called Dublin rules should be excluded from state benefits if it is legally and actually possible for them to leave the country. There should be exceptions if children are affected.

In addition, gun laws should be tightened, especially when it comes to carrying knives at festivals. The security authorities should be given the opportunity to compare biometric data on the Internet in certain cases.

In Solingen, three people were killed and eight others injured in a knife attack at a city festival in August. A Syrian suspect was actually supposed to be deported to Bulgaria in 2023, but that failed.

While the Union’s planned changes do not go far enough, the Left believes they are unnecessary and wrong. “This package will not bring security for anyone,” said Clara Bünger (left). She fears: The legal changes currently being discussed will lead to homelessness and impoverishment for the Dublin refugees concerned.

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