Foreign Secretary Jaseem Uddin held a meeting with several officials of the State Department and the White House, including the US Deputy Secretary of State, in Washington. The United States has given a message to strengthen relations with Bangladesh in the meeting.
These meetings were held on Thursday (October 10) and Friday (October 11).
This information has been confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting of the Secretary of State with the country’s officials was held at the US State Department.
In these meetings, technical and financial assistance of the United States was discussed in Bangladesh’s interim government’s reform initiatives and challenges, Rohingya crisis, labor law reform, etc.
On Saturday (October 12), Foreign Secretary M Jasim Uddin held a meeting with Azra Jaya, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights of the US State Department.
In this meeting organized in Washington, they had productive discussions on reforming democratic institutions and upholding democratic values, accountability for human rights violations, humanitarian response and sustainable solutions to the Rohingya crisis, and labor rights issues.
Foreign Secretary M Jasim Uddin held a meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Richard Verma.
In this meeting held in Washington, they reiterated their commitment to deepen and expand bilateral relations and strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest.
In a separate meeting with Acting US Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass, the Secretary of State discussed ways to speed up bilateral cooperation in Bangladesh-US relations and advance effective cooperation in priority areas.
He discussed various issues in a meeting with Lindsey W. Ford, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for South Asia Affairs at the White House.
The meeting discussed the reform agenda of the interim government, democratic transition, economic and security issues, regional stability, Rohingya crisis, labor law etc.
Foreign Secretary Jassim Uddin met with USTR Assistant for South and Central Asian Affairs Brendan Lynch and discussed mutual cooperation on export diversification, duty and quota-free access to cotton-based garments imported from the United States, ease of registration of pharmaceutical products and reduction of registration fees, labor law reform and the U.S. Discusses access to International Development Finance Cooperation (DFC).
US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Donald Lu, Acting Assistant Secretary of State Martha C. Youth, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Nicole Chulik, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Monica Ager Jacobsen and Director Alla P. were also present in the meeting with the Secretary of State.
Prior to his visit to Washington, the foreign minister visited New York and is scheduled to leave Washington on October 14.
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