2024-01-03 15:51:04
Fewer calories and enjoyment, instead more hunger and deprivation – these are usually attributes of fun-free asceticism when people think of diets to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But a Scandinavian study now shows that there is another way: by changing your menu to the “Nordic diet”.
The research team led by Lars Ove Dragsted from the University of Copenhagen recruited 200 men and women over 50 who had been overweight for years and had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They were divided into two groups: one ate according to the principles of the New Nordic Diet, the other continued as before. Six months later, urine and blood samples were taken from the test subjects.
The Nordic Diet group not only showed lower cholesterol and blood lipid levels, but also significantly better blood sugar control. “And all of this happened without any significant weight loss,” emphasizes Dragsted. “We asked the Nordic Diet group to keep their weight stable and to eat more if they noticed weight loss.” So their cholesterol and blood sugar situation had improved without them having to restrict themselves.
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