Volodymyr Zelenskyi in Prague: He met a sick Ukrainian

by time news

2023-07-07 06:25:00

At the end of April, Czech President Petr Pavel visited war-torn Ukraine. Today the roles were reversed and Volodymyr Zelenskyj arrived in the Czech Republic on Thursday evening. In addition to the meeting with the politicians, there was also a nice and very human reunion.

According to CT information, Zelenskyj met with Ukrainian boy Anton Kock (14), who fled to the Czech Republic some time ago from the war-torn country. Anton has said in the past that it is his dream to meet both presidents. So when Pavel visited Zelenskyi in Kyiv in April, he handed him a video recording greeting a small and seriously ill boy. She moved the Ukrainian head of state and in return he also sent a video greeting to the little fighter.

Good will triumph over evil

“I feel warm that today we were able to mediate the meeting of two people who are heroes to each other,” the president of the Czech Republic announced on Twitter on Thursday and attached a moving photo documenting the first personal meeting of the Ukrainian president with the boy. “Anton, it was a great honor to meet and speak with you today,” Zelenskyy wrote on Telegram.

“Good will triumph over evil! The greatest presidents and a beautiful gesture. You’re amazing,” one Twitter user commented on the photo. “Mr. President, I am proud of you!” another joined.

President Zelenskyy also added a video of his meeting with Anton.

Zelenskyj said that Anton Kocko comes from Boryslav in the Lviv Region. “He has been undergoing treatment in the Czech Republic since March 2022. He is a great boy who is sincerely proud of Ukraine and believes in it,” the Ukrainian president wrote. He also attached photos from the meeting at Prague Castle. “I wish you victory and thank you for your strong faith!” concluded Zelenskyi.

Meeting with politicians

The visit of the Ukrainian president was kept secret from the public until the afternoon. However, it was planned for several weeks.

The Ukrainian president will probably spend the night at Prague Castle. On Friday, he will meet with Prime Minister Petr Fiala, President of the Senate Miloš Vystrčil (both ODS) and Speaker of the House of Representatives Markéta Pekarová Adamová (TOP 09). He will also meet with members of the government and Parliament.

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenskyi has visited several Western capitals, including London, Paris, Berlin and Washington, but also Warsaw, for example. He was in Bulgaria on Thursday, after visiting the Czech Republic he should head to Istanbul, among other things, where, according to Turkish media, he will meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Dear readers, we are ending coverage of the war in Ukraine for today. We will bring the news again on Saturday morning, good night.

According to Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyarova, Ukrainian troops managed to “literally trap” Russian soldiers near Bakhmut. The Ukrainians made it extremely difficult for the enemy to move and made retreat impossible, both sides continue shelling.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi wrote on Twitter in the evening that the military aid package was badly needed by Ukraine and thanked Biden for it. “The expansion of Ukraine’s defense capabilities gives us new opportunities to liberate our territory and move closer to peace,” Zelenskyy wrote.

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