Wolf Haas, renowned for his “Brenner” series, captivates readers once again with his latest novel, “Wackelkontakt.” this intricate tale weaves together two narratives that intertwine like a Möbius strip, challenging readers to piece together the final elements of the plot. The story follows a mafia boss who escapes from a high-security prison using a cleverly smuggled drug that induces a state of apparent death, orchestrated by the ingenious Elio russo. However,after betraying his criminal associates,Elio finds himself in a witness protection program in Germany,constantly evading his past. “Wackelkontakt” not only offers a thrilling glimpse into the underworld but also explores themes of identity and survival, making it a must-read for fans of crime fiction. For more details, visit the Hanser Verlag website.In his latest novel, “Wackelkontakt,” acclaimed author Wolf Haas intricately weaves two parallel narratives that explore themes of fate and coincidence. The story follows Escher, a meticulous character who inadvertently causes the death of an electrician while attempting to fix a faulty outlet in his kitchen. As Escher becomes entangled in a web of guilt, he finds solace in reading about a former mobster, now living under the name Marko Steiner, who is also grappling with his past. This duality is reflected in the novel’s structure, divided into two parts titled “off” and “On,” showcasing Haas’s linguistic prowess and penchant for complex storytelling. With a nod to the famous artist M.C. Escher, the book delves into the intricacies of human connection and the unexpected consequences of seemingly mundane actions.Wolf Haas captivates readers with his latest novel, “Wackelkontakt,” a masterful blend of crime and dark humor that intertwines two compelling narratives. the story follows Marko Steiner, who relocates to Austria with his new family to escape detection, only to find his life mirroring the fictional tale of Escher, a puzzle enthusiast entangled in a web of kidnapping and extortion. As the plot thickens, the lines between fiction and reality blur, revealing a complex tapestry of love, loss, and the unexpected twists of fate.With its clever structure and rich allusions, “Wackelkontakt” promises to engage fans of Haas’s previous works while delivering a fresh, enigmatic reading experience. available now from Hanser,this 240-page novel is a must-read for those who appreciate intricate storytelling and sharp wit.
Time.news Interview with Literary Expert on Wolf Haas’s “Wackelkontakt”
Editor: Wolf Haas has once again captured the literary scene with his latest work “Wackelkontakt.” Can you provide us with an overview of the novel adn its unique structure?
Expert: Absolutely, ”Wackelkontakt” is an intricate tapestry of two narratives that interlace in a captivating manner. At its core, we have Franz Escher, a seemingly ordinary character who inadvertently causes the death of an electrician while trying to repair a faulty outlet. This event launches him into a spiral of guilt and introspection. The parallel narrative follows Marko Steiner, a former mobster who takes refuge in Austria under a new identity, running from his past. The novel elegantly divides these stories into two parts, titled “off” and “On,” reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s artwork, symbolizing complexity and duality.
Editor: The themes of identity and survival resonate deeply in this narrative. How do these themes manifest throughout the stories of Escher and Steiner?
Expert: Both characters grapple with their identities in different ways. Escher, who unwittingly kills an electrician, is thrown into a moral quandary, leading him to question his very sense of self. On the other hand, Steiner’s existence is defined by flight and evasion; his identity is a construct built on lying low after betrayal. The interplay of their experiences emphasizes the consequences of their choices and how they shape their fates, weaving a complex narrative that challenges readers to think about the fabric of their own identities.
Editor: Wolf Haas is known for his clever use of language and dark humor. How does this style come through in “Wackelkontakt”?
Expert: Haas’s linguistic finesse is evident in the witty dialog and the sharp observations that pepper the narrative. The humor often rises from the absurdity of ordinary situations that quickly spiral into chaos, a hallmark of his writing style. For instance, Escher’s mundane task of fixing an outlet leads to unintended consequences, highlighting how trivial actions can drastically alter lives—a clever commentary on fate and coincidence.
Editor: With a dual narrative structure, readers might find themselves piecing together the connections between the two stories. What advice woudl you give to readers approaching this novel?
Expert: I would encourage readers to embrace the complexity of the narrative. It’s designed to challenge and engage. Pay attention to the subtle clues that connect Escher and Steiner; their stories reflect and resonate with one another, ultimately enhancing the reading experience. Keeping an open mind and savoring the rich language will enrich your understanding of the themes Haas explores.
Editor: As fans of crime fiction and existential themes seek new reads, how does “Wackelkontakt” fit into the broader landscape of contemporary literature?
Expert: “Wackelkontakt” stands out due to its unique blend of crime, moral ambiguity, and incisive humor. Haas’s ability to intertwine narratives in an almost Möbius strip fashion invites readers into a multi-layered experience that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. The themes of identity, guilt, and the impact of our choices remain relevant in today’s world, ensuring that this novel resonates with a diverse audience. This makes it a noteworthy addition to contemporary literature, appealing to both long-time fans of his work as well as newcomers.
For further insights and to delve deeper into Wolf Haas’s “Wackelkontakt,” readers can also visit the Hanser Verlag website.