Warning: Star Apple May Cause Kidney Failure in Patients with Kidney Disease – Doctor Lab Panda

by time news

2023-07-29 10:29:00
Title: Renowned Medical Technician Warns Kidney Disease Patients Against Consuming Star Apple

Date: July 29, 2023

In a recent message shared on his page, “Doctor Lab Panda,” Dr. Phakphoom Dethusdin, a renowned medical technician, issued a warning to individuals suffering from kidney disease, advising them to avoid consuming star apple due to the potential risk of kidney failure.

Star fruit, also known as carambola, is often praised for its unique flavor and nutritional benefits. However, Dr. Lab emphasized that individuals with kidney disease should steer clear of this fruit as it contains high levels of oxalic acid. A 100-gram serving of star fruit can contain anywhere between 200 to 800 mg of oxalic acid.

Research conducted by Dr. Lab indicated that kidney patients are particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of consuming star fruit. The oxalic acid present in this fruit can accumulate in the body and form calcium oxalate crystals, which can block the ureter and lead to kidney cell death. Those in the advanced stages of kidney disease, requiring hemodialysis, are unable to expel these crystals effectively, increasing the risk of acute renal failure.

Even individuals with medium-term kidney conditions are advised to moderate their consumption of star fruit as symptoms can manifest in these cases as well.

It is crucial to note that star fruit is generally safe for consumption by healthy individuals. However, excessive intake, such as consuming large amounts of star fruit juice, can lead to an overwhelming accumulation of oxalic acid.

Dr. Lab reminds patients with kidney disease and the elderly to exercise caution due to the higher likelihood of kidney ailments or the deterioration of kidney function associated with aging. Taking proactive steps to safeguard one’s health becomes vital in such cases.

In conclusion, Dr. Phakphoom Dethusdin’s warning serves as a valuable reminder for individuals with kidney disease to avoid consuming star apple or star fruit. Being mindful of dietary choices and maintaining good health should always be a priority, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions.]
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